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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. Do you know what I hate? Giving a kid toilet paper thats in isolation to find out he shit all over his cell. I had to watch him clean it, and the smell almost made me vomit. Sorry......... this happend to me yesterday.
  2. How was eastlands course? i signed up for it, but got a job at a prison, so i had to cancel untill i get bills paid off.
  3. ttemper

    strip clubs

    no, her stage name is carson
  4. ttemper

    strip clubs

    she is fucking ugly
  5. ttemper

    strip clubs

    LOL i went to high school with a girl that strips at kahoots, shes on the front of their web page.
  6. I dont understand the logic in spending 800+ on a fake AR-15 when you can spend 800 bucks and get the real thing. I did. Oh well, to each his own.
  7. survey says you're a fucking douchebag and should be kicked in the balls. did i take english in high school? it's nice to see your college education(if you have any) paying off working at pizza hut.
  8. hey douchebag, you're the one started talking shit. not me. you're right, 8's are 8's.. but everyone is getting a bonar out of a car that should have no problem running 8's.. p.s learn how to spell blasphemy before you use it in a sentence. bitch. oh yeah, suck a dick.
  9. just because i said a v10 running 8's isnt THAT impressive? Give me a fucking break. you drive a volva but i guess i cant expect much.
  10. I'm pretty sure Shep doesnt need 10 cyl to run 8's oh well, nice none the less.
  11. ttemper

    Dance Monkeys!!!

    only if you're naked.
  12. I'm not trying to low ball you, but can you do 400?
  13. I'd pick this up in a hurry but I just spent 900 bucks on an ar15.
  14. jack and coke is what i drink.
  15. I was on cozumel, and belize last week. I just got home saturday night.. fucking crazy.
  16. someone hacked her phone and put pictures up on http://www.nowthatsfuckedup.com pretty much showing everything.
  17. I heard one of the announcers say he received over 50 death/hate emails after he dropped the td pass when they played texas.
  18. Theres an outdoor range in Zanesville called Briar rabbit. it has 400 yard rifle ranges, 25-80 yard pistol ranges. I'm not sure if its members only. heres a link http://www.briarrabbit.com/index.shtml
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