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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. Are you going to have yoru half naked girlfriend pose with this car? that would be pimp shit.
  2. Ken,it is very difficult, but not impossible to lose weight and build lean muscle mass at the same time. google 7-Isopropoxyisoflavone. The trainer at world gym put me on a 40/40/20 diet..which breaks down to be 40% protein/40% carbohydrates/20% fats. In doing this, along with some cardio, my body fat went from 24, to 22% while my weight stayed the same. I have maintained if not gotten stronger in every part of my workouts. When I dont skip out on cardio, i do 30 minutes on the bike, keeping my heart rate below 130. According to the trainer at world gym, if it goes above 130, I an at higher risk to sacrifice lean muscle. I am confident I could be losing weight a lot faster if I cut pop out of my diet. That and processed foods. When I first started my diet, id wake up in the morning and boil 8 eggs, cook my white rice and prepare salmon. Throughout the day, i would eat that every 2.5-3 hours.
  3. i went to easton, drove around columbus aimlessly. I had on shorts and a polo, and people were looking at me funny?!?! fucks sake, it was 60 something outside!!!
  4. i got nailed going 85 in a 65 and only got a ticket, no reckless op
  5. bobby you're such a gnome.
  6. omg!!! that guy is from lancaster. hahahahahahaa. i know him personally
  7. i worked there for 3 weeks, driving 150 miles a day owned me. i tried working there being a full time student down in nelsonville
  8. well anyone got a pic of this damn girl? lol
  9. Lancasters staff is very friendly as well. The manager Jeff has competed at a semi pro level. He definatly knows his stuff. They have a proshop, but i never use it. I have enough supplements to last 2 years, and i got most of them for free, or a damn good price.
  10. I've heard california fitness is nice. I go to world gym, its alright. Ive only been to the one in lancaster, and im curious to see what other world gym's in central ohio are like.
  11. River Valley Mall, down in lancaster
  12. I dont know, they jammed a knife under the lock and pulled it. I'm not sure how much its going to cost at this point
  13. i really cant fathom what kind of person would steal from another. i am not a violent person but this has really pissed me off to no end. i could kill right now. Someone broke into my car IN BROAD DAY LIGHT and stole my fucking cd player in a mall parking lot!!!!!!!!! they busted the lock out of my door with a screwdriver. i cant even think straight im so pissed off right now. I dont have full coverage, so any damage that was done to the car is left up to myself to take care of. GOD DAMNIT I HATE PEOPLE.
  15. mental. "it only hurts untill the pain goes away." Imagine being a young man, recently married. And recently passed the national registry exam for EMT. After 2-3 weeks of your marriage, get a call of a car over-turned on a rural road. Arrive to see the car upside down. As you begin to extricate, see a ring on a young womans finger that looks like the one you put on your wifes finger 3 weeks ago. To find out, it is your wife, and she is dead. Thats something you wont forget about in a week, month or even a year. A person would carry that with them for the rest of their life. I can honestly say in the carreer field i am in, it is more mental than anything. In many cases, a fireman is closer to the men in there crew than they're there wives. You have to rely on your partner, if shit hits the fan, and your life is on the line, you have to know they will pull you out of there. I can write paragraphs and paragraphs about this, frankly, i dont think anyone gives a shit, so i wont waste my time typing it! [ 20. January 2005, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: ttemper ]
  16. I had a 1/2 cup of white rice. bowl of oatmeal 12 oz of lean honey suckle turkey 1 can of tuna 1 100% whey protein drink 1 countdown post workout drink
  17. ken is on the right track. I have taken pretty heavy cycles of Methyl 1 Test, which is highly androgenic. The side affects I got were depression mild gyno. I took a PCT post cycle to hault estrogen. When i started my cycle, i weighed about 225, and got about 10-15 lbs in weight gain. Most of it was water weight, and i lost that pretty quickly after my cycle. If you take M1T, or something thats as androngenic, expect to feel lethargic, depressed, increased acne and possibly hairloss. possibly being a limp dick, too. hahaha. You have 1 day left on prohormones, I would say they're your best bet. I just bought 1-AD. I am expecting the most from this. It isnt as androgenic as M1T, or 4-AD. I kept a journal when I did a cycle of m1t. ill look for it, and post later. Remember, whenever you take prohormones, depending on what it is, your bodys natural production is going to go down tremendously. I have taken 6-OXO post cycle many of times. Gaspari Nutrion makes a similiar product called "nolvadex extreme" i have not tried this, but have heard people say its pretty good. I dont really think protein shakes are a waste of money... I wouldnt make that your main source of protein though. I have 10 tubs of protein at my house, and i rarely use them.(I get free stuff all the time, no, i do not spend my own money on it)I am sure someone has already covered this, but, to successfully build muscle, you should get atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. If you want to try a creatine product, I would go with anavol by nxcare. it has Creatine AKG, which is 100000000000X better than monohydrate. It also has citruline malate, which converts into Arginine(a popular amino acid used in NO products) i have personally tried this product too, and i can say its the best one. If you're under 22-23, i wouldnt suggest taking any prohormones, it can mess up your growth. I havent grown an inch since i was 18, and my weight has relatively stayed the same. and its not because of pro hormones, either! Right now, I am on the 40/40/20 diet. which breaks down to be 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats. Im at 230 right now, and im about 5'11" My goal is to get as lean as possible, without risking too much lean muslce. I usually do 30 mins of cardio a day, at low intensity just to keep my heart rate down, otherwise it would start eating away at muscle. catabolism=bad. Hope this has helped...Sorry, my reply has been kind of scattered out. There were too many people to quote, so i tried throwing it all together.
  18. I would have had a better study/work ethic in high school. the study habits i carried into college were terrible. I was in college for 3 quarters and quit twice. Now, I'm thinking the military is going to change it. Hopefully it does.
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