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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. EDIT: i know, i drive a cavalier. but i still filled up my gas tank for 15 bucks, biatch!
  2. God doesnt like people who drive fords..muahahahahaha. just kidding.
  3. well, its not 1.06 anymore. they changed it. i didnt think it would stay 1.06 very long. i have a recepit to show im not full of shit.
  4. http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/421494647/0.jpg [ 28. April 2004, 10:31 AM: Message edited by: Master Pee ]
  5. not that any of you want ot travel to lancaster, but gas is 1.06 a gallon. its not on the sign, on the pump rather. i filled up my cavy for 15 bucks...and im so happy. im not sure how long its going to last, b/c im pretty sure someone fucked up. but if you want more info, pm me.
  6. Creatine pulls water out of the muscle cell, the new Creatine, called CE2 puts it into the cell. Giving it a more ripped look. I had lost about 30 lbs when i was training for the fire academy, since training, ive gained 20 of it back just b/c ive gotten really lazy. oh, and Ephedra in moderate doses isnt bad for you. 10 MG of it might be fine for one, but 5 might be enough to harm someone else. people that have had heart attacks while taking Ephedrine had heart problems to begin with. IE: 350+ NFL linemen that were in horrible shape to begin w/.
  7. i work at gnc, and get a hella discount...so i have the hook up
  9. yeah, what doggunracing said. fuck her mom...hmmm, i smell something scandelous.
  10. ttemper

    Pee Names

    golden showers bring may flowers
  11. Yeah, girls are fucking stupid. ive always had a thing for older woman, and dated several of them. maybe you should try that. ive learned they dont fuck you over as bad..and its easier to trust them. sorry to hear about your situation.
  12. ttemper

    Pee Names

  13. Hey, if theres no grass on the field...roll over and play in the mudd. I dated a red headed for about 2.5 months and she had the worst temper of anyone i know. the bitch was psycho.
  14. yeah, im good friends w/ dan weaver..and i know how much he liked his old talon...
  15. you should ditch the grandma car and stick with the with the better of the two. just kidding man, i wish i had a fast car.
  16. ttemper

    I'm a celebrity!

    I drink kris..you sip piss
  17. ttemper

    I'm a celebrity!

    i figured i would join in on the fun
  18. yeah if you want to kill yourself, and others around you...by all means...pour it on at once.
  19. use it to start a fire, seriously. ....a camp fire. of course, dont pour all of it on at once.
  20. Adam, you shouldnt have a problem fixing it. especially with the great bling that krogers brings you....
  21. Hey Gilbert, get at me sometime. I saw you a couple weeks ago at B-Dubs, but didnt get a chance to say anything. Hows the stang runnin?
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