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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. lol, did you read they had to be in full ppe? breathing mask and all, lol.
  2. yeah, well..this article claims the woman weighed 600 lbs http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/article.jsp?sectionId=46&id=33973
  3. get a hold of dsmdan, he knows his shit
  4. i am 20, and drive a badass cavalier that has 180k miles on it...
  5. yeah, fuck george bush. hes a god damn worthless bastard. 20 odd years ago, 8 firemen died in a structure fire in dallas..well, our good friend george bush said that they had to be government workers to have the flag at half mass...2 months later, the dallas cowboys head coach died..guess where the flag was?!??! HALF FUCKING MASS.yeah, hes not getting my vote....mind you, this was a while ago when he was the governor of texas..kinda hypocritical..dont ya think?
  6. ttemper


    i think desperado is mad b/c his prescription to viagra ran out, and he cant get off watching real sex on hbo...
  7. have sex with her best friend, that will win her heart!
  8. I work at GNC, and we take everything back on returns redface.gif
  9. my dad is a retired union carpenter and he shops at the lowes in lancaster! graemlins/thumb.gif
  10. JESUS H CHRIST! my dad was in a bad motorcycle wreck, and was in a coma for 2 months...be glady you made it out with a new asshole!
  11. i made 592. i worked half of a day in tank, then left at break. i couldnt take anymore.
  12. i worked there for the first 2 weeks of training...and then quit the first day in "tank" i made 600 bucks in 2 weeks.
  13. the road runner in lancaster blows nuts, i have horrible packet loss. i called them to bitch, but i was hold for 20 minutes, so i said fuck it and hung up.
  14. im pretty sure dan weaver and i play cs...and its the best game ever.
  15. lol, im italian. [ 22. June 2004, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: ttemper ]
  16. ttemper

    New Member

    Since we're all making up shit...my dad gave me a lingenfelter tt vette just for being his son..how cool is that shit? im putting well over 900 to the ground.
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