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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. ttemper

    School levy's

    hahahahahahaha omg. Im guessing its b/c sam got banned?
  2. ttemper

    School levy's

    my great uncle has a 1 million dollar home in lancaster and pays 15k a year in property tax.
  3. ttemper

    b dubs

    no problem jackass
  4. ttemper

    b dubs

    Your veins showing has to do with vascularity and body fat, not necessarily steroid use.
  5. ttemper

    b dubs

    are you seriously on juice?
  6. i have tw2k5 for Cube and its borign with 1 person
  7. yeah, you're covered under the good samaritan law.
  8. I have been to mudhouse mansion, beings Im only 5 minutes away. Its boarded up, but im sure you can still get in. it took minimal effort to kick in the door, but then again, i weigh 240 lbs..sooo. You have to follow mudhouse road to the back of the house, and drive through a large field to get to the house. The basement was set on fire by 2 idiots that were messing around with matches. I dont think the structural integrity was harmed by the small fire, though. Im not sure what part of Columbus you're from, but chances are its a 40+ min drive...
  9. hahahahahaha omfg lol rofl omg
  10. oh jesus. i thought i was done with ethics and values in emt...i would have stopped and asked for help, but thats just me
  11. isnt all of circleville "backroads"?
  12. http://img24.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img24&image=rizzNDNN119.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/1734/ndn_0245.jpg http://img24.exs.cx/img24/779/ndn_1527.jpg
  13. i have better pics of her saved, but dont have anywhere to host them..
  14. ttemper

    College Life

    Enjoy it while you can, Hocking College has very FEW hot chicks. it seems your standards lower as soon as you get into hocking county. you see a halfway decent chick, and you think damn! they're few and far between. have to jump on shit while shit lasts...
  15. ttemper

    College Life

    Enjoy it while you can, Hocking College has very FEW hot chicks. it seems your standards lower as soon as you get into hocking county. you see a halfway decent chick, and you think damn! they're few and far between. have to jump on shit while shit lasts...
  16. I can vouch for how much it sucks ass to be in protective clothing weighing 40lbs or more, for long periods at a time...
  17. What about fire trucks, and axes and fire hose?!
  18. Dont be a jackass, I would be the one having to clean that shit up...
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