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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. I have been pulled over 4 times for speeding, and only had 1 ticket. i was going 40-35 in mt vernon, i told the cop im a fireman, and he let me go. Last year, I was coming home from the halloween party in athens at 4am. The sheriff clocked me going 70 in a 60. I told him I was at the academy at that point, and he let me go. The final incident occured when I was coming home from school. on RT 33 heading toward lancaster. I was going 84 in a 65. There was a legit reason for me to speeding that much. I had to be in lancaster to get ready for an interview, and then drive all the way up to hilliard. He questioned me as to where I'm coming from, and where I'm going, and what my excuse was for speeding. I told him, and he came back with a yellow paper in his hand, so I thought to myself "FUCK!" It turned out to be a warning. He told me to slow down, and drive safe. I was so relieved. When/If i speed, its only 5mph over. I learned my lesson.
  2. I was a junior in high school.. I had no clue what was going on untill i came home from pretending to be sick..which was around 930? I came home and remember opening the refrigerator and seeing a building on fire, and thinking Wtf? oh well. Then I realized what had happen and i was in total shock. I went to mcdonalds to get breakfast for my mom and i, and put on howard stern and they were talking about it...Minutes later, they announced that a second plane had hit the other tower. I went to ground zero in February of 03, and could not believe what i saw. With me being a fireman, it holds a special place in my heart. I went to Newark fire department to do ride time when i was in the academy, and they had a list of every fireman that died in the towers. It had what engine and company they were assigned too..it was very sad to see it. The fireman that died that tragic day were heavily trained, and conditioned. They had their SCBA's which weighed 15-30 lbs, plus there high rise packs that weighed updwards of 45 lbs. I can only imagine what they went through.
  3. Bobby...You're telling me im trying to be someone im not? How ironic. You do not act like this in person, infact, ive never seen you in a confrontation with someone. You're spouting shit off on the internet trying to look cool. Vitamins? take some of harlows. they kick ass.
  4. Bobby, you have a small weinar. I would not try to debate people on this board. you will get owned. Go sell some medicine!
  5. I just farted and it smells like cheese
  6. well hello evilgtp! I am a firefighter, too. I have not taken a polygraph, but have had advice from several columbus firefighters. From what I heard, they ask the same question twice, just worded different...so be aware of that. I dont really know any specifics besides that. Next time I run into one of the columbus boys at the gym, ill ask him. pm me with your aim name, and ill give you more info when i get it...
  7. ttemper


  8. ttemper


    cry me a fucking river bloody wanka
  9. ttemper


    alright, thanks..greatly appreciated
  10. ttemper


  11. ttemper


    what happend to it?
  12. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=3033141
  13. Drink a lot of electrolytes, such as sodium potassium and calcium.
  14. I thought they did away with the NOS, and put the lingenfelter tt kit instead?
  15. my ideal job is a fireman..thats kinda weird.
  16. ill join, i drive a 30 second cavalier
  17. I dunno.... that's why I haven't been out all year... she wouldn't go and would throw a hissy fit if I wasn't with her on friday and saturday night. oh well.. she's gone now... guess it's parking lot time [/QB] Did wayne brady have to choke/slap a bitch?
  18. Gilbert made that up, well most of it anyway...see, what happend was..he actually had sex with a guy, but didnt want to come out of the closet just yet, so he said he scored with a chick
  19. ttemper


    WTF is RC?!?!?!?!?!
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