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Everything posted by ttemper

  1. I don't have a degree and I worked for the state for a while in corrections. the base pay isn't anything to write home about, but the opportunity to move around within the state is miraculous. I would have made about 40 grand this year if i would have stayed in. Not bad for a 23 year old without a degree. not only that, but the retirement is great. I know of old timers in the system that are getting ready to retire with over a half a million coming to them. imagine what ones retirement will be like 30 years from now.
  2. i'm 23 and i found it funny. i guess i have a warped and fucked up sense of humor. immature? hardly. i laugh all the time when i fuck with inmates at work. seeing shit like this reminds of me work. it's easy for me to relate things to do what i do and what i see, so i try to find humor in everything.
  3. all he had to do was articulate why he brandished his firearm. IE: dogs went nuts, the men didn't fit in their neighborhood, the 3 men blatantly disregarded him when he motioned for them to leave his property. his wife was in the bathroom upstairs, so she most likely wouldn't hear a struggle if the 3 men jumped him. it was a odd time for someone to stop by. what more do you want? any cop with an iq north of 50 would bite on his story. even the most liberal jury would buy this story if you had a decent lawyer, at any rate, i'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. there's nothing more important than the safety and security of your family.
  4. i can't believe they called the cops because you answered the door with a gun. i would have done the same thing, only with my AR-15 slung across my chest to let them know they weren't welcome.
  5. does anyone if they allow ccw? i'm guessing they do, but i don't want to have to declare anything when i get there.
  6. home http://www.speedtest.net/result/210931757.png
  7. hopefully i'm not sleeping. i'll just have to set my alarm or something. third shift blows. clark call me or something. p.s aj dont get mad because i wont put my tea bags on your face.
  8. i can go whenever, but they close at 6 on sundays i think.
  9. the brothas at my job would definitely not like that shirt, but i find it hilarious.
  10. i have to work tonight till 7am...but if you fuckers pick a decent time, i'lll go. i have 200 rounds of 45, and roughly 200 rounds of 223 i need to plink through. i havent been shooting in a month and i'm going through withdraws.
  11. ironic, coming from someone whos 22 and drives a z06 vette! not hating, just find it comical. i've seen tacticals go for 1300, but i only paid 900 for mine. you just have to know where to look. besides, you can get a uspf 45 for 680, that's not much than a full size glock 45. there's no substitute for quality, that's why i chose hk! hk's customer support for non le folk has gotten ridiculously better. from my experience browsing other websites(hkpro.com) and various others, there's basically little to no turn around time. there reputation in the past has been that they don't like selling or having a customer support base for civilians, but that's not the case anymore.
  12. i tend to be an hk whore, and love everything hk. i went with a uspc 40 with night sights. i'm a bigger dude, so carrying an hk isn't difficult. i carry mine in an inside the pant holster. it's comfortable, and doesn't print that much. i favor my right side anyway, so what little it does print, my arm/hand usually obstructs it. i've owned a couple glocks. they're good guns, but they don't point well for me. some people swear by them, but don't go glock crazy untill you shoot a few hundred rounds through one.
  13. negative, my hk usp tactical 45 > *
  14. ttemper


    try the groveport rec center, i dont know if they have student discounted memberships, but i know it's nice. world gym in pickerington usually has discounted rates for students, however, they dont have racquetball courts.
  15. I generally buy guns with a specific reason in mind. I picked up a HK custom combat compact 40. I carry this in a pro-tac infidel holster. It's comfortable for the most part, and easy to conceal. it prints every now and then depending on how loose of a shirt i'm wearing. here are a few pics http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/7006/dsc00392sp9.th.jpg holstered http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7716/hkinifdelqq7.th.jpg I might consider getting a 380 once I start working in a cruiser. finding ankle holsters for my usp compact seems to be quite difficult.
  16. you're going to stick that WHERE?!!?!?! HAHA i kidd kidd
  17. ttemper


    there used to be a site where soldiers in iraq would post dead pictures of iraqi citizens, and they would get access to naked women, and naked female soldiers. iirc the site was http://www.nowthatsfuckedup.com but the libtard community of florida where the webmaster was from made him take it down.
  18. dude! youre never home enough! stop working all the damn special details!
  19. Noveske rifleworks FTW. at one point, i was going to build a custom rifle with a Noveske barrel and some other goodies, but i no longer work for the state, so play money is slim to none. i'll have to enjoy my bushmaster for a little while longer.
  20. they say it is, but it wasnt a couple years ago when some friends went. they didnt report getting caught or anything, but said it was scary as shit. driving by it at night is creepy enough.
  21. did you get the hbar? that thing will be a bitch for patrol use. my bushie hbar weighs a little over 7 lbs, and it's a pita even with a sling. at any rate, nice purchases!
  22. fucking inmates would point to their skin when i'd write them a ticket when i worked at the joint. it drove me nuts. after a while, i'd say yeah you're probably right.. just because it wasnt worth getting pissed off about. it just made my day worse.
  23. denny ever tell you the story abuot how he got slapped by some cracked out bitch, and he didn't use enough force, and ended up getting slapped a second time? the whole class thought it was funny.
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