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Everything posted by SquirrelyNutsDSP

  1. I've seen the carnage that is your car...glad it wasn't any worse, you could have been seriously hurt. Good luck with the repairs, it'll be fixed before you know it!
  2. There are a few badass corollas out there with s2k drivetrains. Impressive, and yes I would choose one over a V8 corolla any day.
  3. That, my friend, is hiddeous.
  4. Sounds too good to be true, but if it's for real then I bet it's already gone.
  5. Maybe they're just curbing production since they can't seem to move the current amount of vehicles off the lots?
  6. This does NOT automatically mean she's out with her friends to meet guys. You need to assess your relationship with her: is this a new "trend" with her, will she be doing it habitually after this? Obviously you don't feel you can trust this situation, do her friends go out and get on other guys? Girls in groups tend to think and act alike, so a lot of her behavior will likely be similar to that of her friends. Constant "I just wanna dance" things ARE a bad sign, but just one does not substatiate a problem. Do you honestly feel enough for her that you couldn't replace her if the worst is true? I hope your suspicions are unfounded, goodluck and keep us updated.
  7. Um, did you overlook a technology degree? It sounds general, but you learn some really good skills and your elective classes could be business and marketing-oriented. Then you could get an MBA later on if you wanted. A tech degree would bypass the math and physics you dislike and teach you how to make things (maybe good skills for owning your own shop too). It's easy to find jobs with a tech degree as well, very versatile. I'm gonna get my BS in mechanical engineering next spring, and there is a very good chance I'll be going to OSU for an MBA that fall. (#21 business grad school in the nation)
  8. So "extreme driving" = unsafe driving Everything is so "extreme" these days, I can't tell what the word actually used to mean (not to mention it's a horrible adjective for most things). Jackasses ruin it for everyone...stay safe and stay within the 5mph over this weekend.
  9. Wow that sucks man. If I were you I'd wanna do the best job I could on that car , it could cause problems later if you don't.
  10. I didn't think it was very good, IMHO. I caught a lot of continuity problems, parts of the movie seemed very rushed and awkward, some of the dialogue was pretty poor, and the makeup artists sucked big time. Just my $.02, I still only accept the original 3 movies.
  11. I know that's the damned honest truth, and it's saaaad. I still got sucked into hooking up with this chick when I got back here to school, I'm 22 she's 19 (wow I'm dumb redface.gif ). Lying slut bag was STILL goin back to the last guy who treated her like shit AND getting on other guys at parties. Not like you can escape it though, at Ohio Northern you hear EVERYTHING play-by-play...which is lucky for me cause I was gettin played. Last weekend her little softball girlfriend stepped up to the plate calling me out at a party, saying I should watch what I say about my ex. Wow she's got another thing comin'. From now on there are NO second chances, and these bitches get NO feelings. Just set your rules and stick to your guns, they all flock to the cock.
  12. Like I said on Club4ag, I'll try to be there if my car is done, but I most likely will not run it...we'll see how it goes.
  13. Give it to me...haha. Lookin good bro. graemlins/thumb.gif
  14. The day will come, Trebek!
  15. May the months go by quickly for you...everyone should be praying for your safe return. I don't care what others' opinions are, I think your sentence is harsh for doing the right thing and turning yourself in.
  16. Wow that's hot, I'll tell my brother about it Somebody buy this badboy!
  17. Well, amazon.com would get you a buyer if someone searches for that ISBN number and they like your price. You could try searching for what it the book costs on CampusI.com and price yours a little lower cause it's used. You may have to wait for next term and hope someone still uses that edition. I got my fluid mechanics book earlier this week from amazon marketplace for $105 including shipping. Took only 3 days to get it and saved me $50 (it's stupid to need a 2nd text book for the last 2 weeks of class, I was pissed but I'll use it next quarter too).
  18. I think you are over-simplifying things a bit. You have to first realize that making a quality product does not mean people will like OR buy it. And trends, such as SUV's come and go... Consider that the S&P came out today and downgraded GM bonds to junk status. This is irregardless of what Kerkorian did yesterday, and consider how low GM stock would be right now if he hadn't put that offer out. I see a sad trend in American automotive business, not in the products they're making...GM has something like $19 billion in reserves, whereas the speculation is that at around $10-11 billion they would declare bankruptcy. Just consider how much of GM sales is SUV and the trend of gas prices... It's not a bad product, it's busness sense and foresight.
  19. Sober Rational Destructive Follower
  20. Eh, not too sure on Kerkorian's motives right now, but all I can say is I doubt that man is in it to lose money. How does this immediately force GM to make shittier products? There is no way you can come to that conclusion without some gross over-simplifications; there is no direct correlation and you can't predict a particular chain of events at this point.
  21. If you really love the car that much, then it may be worth it to you to get a GTS in nice condition. Still ain't cheap given the "craze," but wait for a good deal to come up, don't rush.
  22. Wow, glad to hear you're okay. The worst I've ever been in is 3 cars...glad to hear it's not the 7 you lost though.
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