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Everything posted by Buckeye1647545503

  1. no ohio you are not permitted to have more than 30 rounds
  2. It is cheaper because they don't have people to give you customer support, No customer support = Paul on CR bitching
  3. I bet the fee was only after the levys were voted down many times and I am sure they were told about the fee many times so sucks for them but I even the "free services" from the government cost $ somehow
  4. Go to a REAL verizion store, not a retailer. the retailer makes $ from selling you shit.
  5. I think grapes = ok now Watermelon .... Maybe not so much
  6. I plan on buying one for the power tour next year since we will be out in Texas so we will have more spirited runs. I was looking at the site yesterday and noticed that you can run a remote mic ... Anyone try this and know more about what mics might be best?
  7. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lltudbZ4VI1qb2r1z.gif
  8. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K0_DmTeKr_o/Shuv_Y0Pf4I/AAAAAAAAAiw/RWibcqYYmHc/s800/Chewie_Coleman_Ron.gif
  9. I have no idea WTF you people are talking about in this thread
  10. come over next sunday we will do it with the stock cover and it will not leack
  11. cover like this http://lh4.ggpht.com/_rGJIeePpCpo/SxF9WNRGEsI/AAAAAAAABdY/QclB7odmPzM/1994-2004%2520Mustang%2520GT%2520Rous.jpg
  12. No it is a brand name http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41YM90UwnqL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  13. buy a new cover with mains support and rite stuff it on it will not leak again...... or come apart later
  14. In that case I will come with a haz-mat suite and bags to hold the $
  15. on a almost related note HOLY FN SHIT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWDL93c4tiM&feature=related
  16. most women ... Or lady like men like Jones
  17. http://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/1976_Ford_Bronco_Explorer_4x4_For_Sale_Front_1.jpg
  18. They are cool but go for pretty big money and they are pretty bare bones vehicles. I like the 79 body styles better myself
  19. Tell her straight out that it is annoying and to please quit?
  20. Ya the other one I bought at the same time, I have a reaper crew beanie too ill rock when it gets colder
  21. My favorite show by far. I can't remember a show I make a point if watching every week like this. I even dresses as samcro for halloween
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