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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. You take care of it the same way you would the paint. Wash it, wax it, etc... The only thing, and I'm curious to find out is what it looks like 5-10 years down the road. Will it fade or discolor? Dunno. Still a relatively new product. Being from 3M, though, I imagine they have done extensive research and testing, and will stand behind the product if professionally installed by trained personnell.
  2. Stopped at Germain last night on my way home. All I can say is WOW! I hadn't ever been a big fan of the C5, but this car... I want one of these. The pictures really don't do it justice. You need to see it in person to really see just how much "not a C5" it is. If only I had the $54k, I'd own the Yellow one right now.
  3. I was at work in Fairfax, Va. My wife was about 2 hours away on a work retreat, and my son was in day care 25 miles away from me. Someone ran into the office yelling that a plane has flown into one of the WTC towers. My boss flipped on the TV in his office, and we all crowded around his little 13 inch screen to watch the coverage. I stayed in his office and watched horrified as the second plane hit, then as the plane hit the Pentagon. I left work to pick up my son because at that point we still didn't know what was happening. My son's day care was less than 5 miles from the headquarters for both AOL and MCI Worldcom in Ashburn, VA. I listened on the radio as the towers came down, and the plane went down in Pennsylvania. I don't think I'll ever forget hearing the sirens as Fairfax County Police and Firefighters headed for DC, or the helplessness knowing that my family was all over the state, and not knowing what might be coming next. Over the next few weeks, I met a couple of people that were there that day. I saw the wounds one of them sustained as he was pulling people out... Fortunately for me, all of my family and loved ones were alright. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people that couldn't say the same.
  4. I think this is Scott. Kirk's Service Center 3480-D Fulton St. Columbus, Ohio 43232 Phone: (614) 505-3019
  5. That's true. HID's were a must for the C6, and they couldn't figure out how to make them work in a manner that would be both cost effective and be compact enough for packaging in a flip up configuration.
  6. Come on, somebody's gotta know this guy!
  7. Scott (Buckeye) mentioned last weekend to me that he has done some work as a bouncer before, you should give him a call.
  8. It's definately cool stuff, as long as you don't ever intend to take it off. I know that some manufacturers are putting it on their cars from the factory, too. Volvo is the only one that comes to mind right now, but I think there are others. You might call Automotive Appearance Pro's for the installation, I know they've done it on a couple of cars for us at the shop. Don't know what they'll charge though. PM me for the # if you're interested.
  9. graemlins/thumb.gif Looks good! On a side note, did you consider the ZO6's in chrome? Saw a red 4th gen with those, and DAMN did it look good! Not to take anything away of course.
  10. I don't know, I mean, yes the Corvette has had flip up lights since the C2, but really if you think about it, todays technology is the first time since 1963 that they have been able to incorproate the headlamps into the overall design of the vehicle, and not have them adversely affect the aerodynamics. I prefer to look at not as deviating from Corvette styling, but returning to what the cars were early on. All of the C1's had fixed headlamps, and they looked good. The C2's when equipped for racing used fixed headlamps. Hell, even the C5-R's have fixed headlamps.
  11. It's not you. They are different in just about every dimension from the c5. I don't remember who it was, but someone had an animated image of a C5 profile with a C6 superimposed over it. It was really cool, and whoever has it, could you post it again?
  12. You think that guy feels like shit? What kind of chump do you have to be to try stuff like that with your girl on the back?
  13. They're here! They're here! Saw a whole truckload today on Sinclair turning onto Morse. I'm thinking they're headed for Germain. Might have to stop and have a look this afternoon.
  14. ****bump**** Considering trades for lots of stuff now. Let me know what you got.
  15. Yeah, what gives? It was working earlier today... Now all I see are little red "x's"
  16. Maybe they visit us and find that this planet is a perfect pit stop to eat and poop on their way to someplace else that we haven't discovered yet. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  17. No prob. Where about in Gahanna are you? I'm over in the Royal Manor area.
  18. graemlins/thumb.gif Yay! Nitrousbird for President! graemlins/thumb.gif
  19. Maybe shy away from Mitsubishi and Dodge/Chrysler turbos if reliability is a concern.
  20. No no. Firebird & Camaro > Mustang. That's all that really matters. tongue.gifgraemlins/finger.gif
  21. You can pick up LT-1 cars for around 5k right now, and if you want to go a little older, you can get some really nice L98 third gen f-bodies in that price range too.
  22. graemlins/thumb.gif That funny, given your screen name and all! graemlins/wtf.gif
  23. Gotta hit 50 posts, then you can go to your profile and you will be able to click on change avatar image which is directly below Birth Date and above Signature.
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