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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. I wanted to join the Marines, but for reasons that will go un-named for the time being, my recruiter closed my file. To Akula and all those who have, will, or are currently serving our country in the armed forces: Thank you for your service to our country. May God smile on you, and keep you safe from harm. I would feel priveleged to shake the hand of any one of you in uniform, you're all heros to me. ~Ron~
  2. That I can understand. I mean, at some point, you have to give the kids the opportunity to make their own decisions without hounding them or looking over their shoulders all day long. A lot of times that happens because the instructors have come into their position from the field, and they feel that if no laws are being broken, and the behavior isn't posing iminent danger to anyone else, should they really get in trouble for it? That's why so many people find it easier to confide in a tech school instructor too. It doesn't sound so much like preaching if the one doing the talking has been in a similar situation as you.
  3. Penny Dean, Douglass' lawyer, said she intends to file a complaint in U.S. District Court, and said the National Rifle Association will pay for the court case. Good. I think that it might be different if he was posed in some kind of threatening posture, but in the traditional sportsman's pose? Come on. Oh well, at least he's got the NRA's backing.
  4. Thanks, I appreciate that. As a Vo-Tech grad myself, I can say from first hand experience that it can be much easier to "get away with stuff" in that setting for that exact reason. Though I'm not sure I agree with allowing students to smoke in the shop (don't cigarettes fall under the school district's drug policy?), there are a lot of "special circumstance" kids that get funneled into these programs because their counselors don't feel that they have any shot at post high school education. While that may be true in some cases, what concerns me the most are the number of kids who get discouraged from attending these courses based on their academic standing at their regular schools. I fall into the latter category, and personally am glad that I fought my counselors to attend the Collision Repair program at my Vo-Tech school. I've been gainfully employed in the industry in one capacity or another since I graduated from high school, and the framework that I learned at school has allowed me to provide a home for my wife and two kids, and has made it possible for my wife to be a stay at home mom, doing the most important job in the world (raising kids to be respectful, responsible, dependable, and well behaved is probably the most demanding, worthwhile, job that anyone could do). That being the case, I am really looking forward to serving on the advisory board, and hope that I can lend a perspective from the workforce that the instructors may not have had otherwise. (sorry for the long post... )
  5. Coors Light Absolut/Red Bull or a shot called "Dirty Bong Water"
  6. I'm asking because I was recently asked to join the Collision Repair program's Advisory Board, and I don't know anything about the school. I have served on an advisory board before, and feel honored to be asked, but was wondering about the school in general. Was anyone a student there? Know the instructors Ken Strickland or Dave Morrison?
  7. Who are you tryin to fool? I know the truth... You make all the money! graemlins/lol.gif j/k. I know what you mean though. I stopped by Germain Chevy on Morse the day they got their first truck load in to look at them. They got 8 cars that day, and all but 2 of them were spoken for, special order cars. The only two that they had for open sale was a silver one and a yellow one.
  8. I was not aware of that. Thank you. That being the case, doesn't it seem like they would take more interest in these allegations of poor track prep, inexperienced staffing, etc...? Also, once the word gets out that NTR isn't safe for high horsepower, low ET cars, will they not lose participation in some of their larger events? I'd really hate to see NTR go the way of MCIR, but if something isn't done, it looks like that may be inevitable.
  9. They need to rip the track out, fix the water problems with a new roadbed rather than just pointing and wondering. Then put down a concrete 1/8th at the minimum and all new shut down. Will this ever happen? I mean realistically? From what I've heard, it seems that even if the NHRA did pull their sanction, ownership may not do anything anyway... They would still get to keep their events like Super Chevy and the Mopar Nats, wouldn't they?
  10. I gots da fastest shits around, yo! graemlins/lol.gif
  11. Wasn't able to see the whole thing, but I got to see most of it. graemlins/thumb.gif I like the Cobra and the S2K waving you around. Also, it became very evident how much some of those cars were holding you up when you fell in behind the Porsche. I was even more impressed when you went around him! That looked like too much fun! Congrats on the lap time BTW!
  12. Free bump. Waiting for a response to my PM.
  13. Yeah. It definately looks a lot better now.
  14. All that crap sounds like Greek to me , but if it means that the board will run better and faster, I'll jump in for 5-10 bucks.
  15. I'm just wondering, (keeping in mind that I've never actually been down the track at NTR) How many people will have to get hurt for the problem to be rectified? I don't currently have anything to bother racing with, but even if I did, I don't think I'd want to risk it until there has been some sort of resolution to this. And no, I don't consider shutting down the last half of the track a resolution. Am I wrong?
  16. If you don't think that's funny, you best git on outta here!
  17. What is the bolt pattern on the wheels?
  18. Did you buy that from a guy named Elias?
  19. I went to the sight. The guy's some kind of Photoshop artist. No telling how much if any of it is real... graemlins/nonono.gif Bummer
  20. Once he's got all of his parts accumulated, we'll be doing it in my garage. You should pass on the instructions and come over and get your hands dirty with us. We're in Gahanna over near Shawn, and most of the work will be done on weekends. Open invitation once work begins!
  21. In the Caddy, I run Sunoco 94 unless I can't get to it on the gas I have. Today, I filled up with Shell 93, and it's been running pretty well so far. I do use Speedway on occasion, as a last resort (but only with a fuel additive). In the wife's car, the manual says that it was built to run on 87, but I've found that after 125k miles, it really needs 89. Doesn't really matter where it comes from, but it pings on 87. I don't use BP, but that's mostly because I'd have to go out of my way to get to one. Plus, at the Sunoco at 161 and Karl, Ultra 94 is the same price as their 93, and both are usually 5-10 pennies cheaper than the Shell station across the street.
  22. I need the cash, I'll sell my Caddy for $1800. Needs nothing right now except to have the A/C charged.
  23. I tend to think that there is probably a lot more to that design than you might think. While I agree that there are a lot of design elements that won't make it, there are quite a few hints at what the next gen Camaro might look like. You just have to read between the lines a little. 1) Door handles aren't realistic. - Well, yeah. It is a concept after all... 2) Side mirrors are too small. - Yup. 3) Might not be enough space for flip around headlamps. - Yeah, maybe, but you can be pretty certain that it won't use the same style mechanism that the '69 did. While I do think that it'd be cool to have the hide away headlamps, I would tend to think that they used them as a design element mostly to get people excited about the car. 4) Brakes are too small. - Not for a production car... 5) Wheels and tires are way too big. - Yeah, but again, it is a concept illustration 6) Wheel gap. - Absolutely correct. Again, though, being a concept illustration, it doesn't have to have appropriate wheel gap. 7) The front end looks short. - What do you mean? If you mean vertically, have you seen the C6? If you mean horizontally, I would have to disagree. To me, it looks like it would be plenty long enough and tall enough to accept an LS2 and still have a reasonable amount of room for the weekend warrior to do his own mods in the garage. I also have to imagine that positioning the engine as they did in the 4th gens is the last thing that GM would want to do. Quite frankly, part of the reason that the Mustang outsold the Camaro was due to the fact that female buyers didn't feel comfortable not being able to have at least some concept of where the front end of the car is. In that respect, this design makes a lot of sense. A more upright windshield not only makes it easier to work on the engine, it also allows for a more upright seating position. In the end, I think that is hot as hell, and would stand in line to get one as long as it has the muscle to back up its look. Maybe some photoshop guru could work a little magic and make the wheels a little smaller, the mirrors a little bigger, the ride height a little higher, and put some fixed headlamps in the grille, and assuming it is a GM authorized picture, I bet you'd be pretty close. My two pennies.
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