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Everything posted by Ziggy1647545504

  1. I agree, and on that note, I don't want to talk about it any more. tongue.gif You know what they say about politics and religion. They are topics best discussed with those of the same mind. This thread requires WAY too much thought. I think I'll sit back and watch for a while. graemlins/popcorn.gif
  2. I agree with you 100%. I was just stating that the fact that this Constitution Party has managed to gather enough steam to get onto the ballot in 48 states in 12 years (3 elections) is something that in and of itself is pretty impressive. The small snippet was not included to be representative of my beliefs at all. Kind of reminds me of that episode of King of the Hill that Luanne joined the Communist party. I've got a feeling that is how the Constitution party has gotten so widely known. By donations from people that ought to know better. I mean, come on, how could we as a country go back to government the way it was when the Constitution was written. The fact is, that document was intended to be a guide. Not the end all, be all definition of our government.
  3. I think that it is pretty impressive though that the Constitution Party has managed to gain access to the polls in 48 states since their inception in 1992. That indicates to me that they are headed in the right direction starting small and working their way up to major party status. Who knows, come 2008 we may see another 3 party debate between Hillary and whoever the Republican and Constitution Party candidates are.
  4. Not exactly. The Pontiac Solstice is coming to market as a rear wheel drive "sports car". Referring to the early sports cars imported from Europe. Small cars, somewhat dedicated to their "sporting" directive with agile handling, and inspiring driving dynamics.
  5. http://www.constitutionparty.com/ Michael Peroutka is running for the Office of President of The United States on the Constitution Party's ticket. From "A brief history of the Constitution Party" on the About Us page. "The Constitution Party is the only party which is completely pro-life, anti-homosexual rights, pro-American sovereignty, anti-globalist, anti-free trade, anti-deindustrialization, anti-unchecked immigration, pro-second amendment, and against the constantly increasing expansion of unlawful police laws, in favor of a strong national defense and opposed to unconstitutional interventionism." Hmmm...
  6. Don't think that'll work. From what I've seen in the last few years, I'm not sure that any manufacturer can afford to carry two different lines of car that are only available in two door form. There are a few companies that do offer coupes in different lines (eg: Honda with the Civic and Accord coupes), but for the most part, these vehicles aren't competing for the same customer. Bob Lutz has made it known that the GTO is back. I don't think that he would jeopardize the success of the GTO by bringing another car to market under the same nameplate to compete directly head to head with it for the same customer. Despite the fact that his feeling is that the GTO is more appealing to the "upmarket" customer than the Firebird, how many GTO's do you think would have sold so far if the 'bird were still around? I would wager about half of what have sold to date, and if you've noticed, every Pontiac dealer in the city is maintaining stock of GTO's, so it's not like they're exactly flying off the lots anyway.
  7. So, who's running on the Constitution Party's ticket?
  8. That is a good looking car! graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. Nothing. As a matter of fact, if I could afford it, I'd have a black '78 T/A with gold stripes and bird, a 4 foot whip antenna on the roof, and Jerry Reid in the 8 track player, in my garage right now! But, due to my current circumstances, that is going to have to wait a few years. I'm just saying that is not the market image that Bob Lutz wants for Pontiac.
  10. graemlins/pics.gif Did you get the sedan or the wagon?
  11. Can anyone get a hold of him and have him check his pm's? He expressed an interest in my car. If you can get a hold of him let me know, I'll pm my # to have him call me. (I would e-mail him from his profile, but I don't have access to my e-mail from here.)
  12. Lol, yes, definitely. I'll probably drive down to OSU and won't drink that much (have to have a beer or two tailgating)... Watch out for the open container police...
  13. Unfortunately, HighRisk, I agree. However, Bob Lutz is attempting to position Pontiac as a domestic market BMW. To that line of thought, the Firebird clientele does not fit the "image" of what the "upmarket" customer will purchase. The GTO and the Solstice do (supposedly). I suppose that goes back to the '70's image of the "cool guy with a mullet wearing a white t-shirt" that everyone seems to conjure up when looking for the stereotypical late '70's persona. So in a nutshell, the GTO is to fill the void left behind with the passing of the iconic Firebird. I wonder if they saw Two Lane Blacktop and the guy that was driving the GTO?
  14. Sounds like 2 events that you should be riding "shotty" for. Just make sure you take your own advice.
  15. Maybe a repost, but I thought it was interesting anyway. http://www.popularhotrodding.com/features/0409phr_camaro/ Though Lutz has pretty much said that there won't be another Firebird, it looks like there is still hope for the Camaro nameplate. graemlins/thumb.gif
  16. That is wrong. I had a girl tell me she was pregnant once. I've now been married for almost 6 years and have 2 beautiful children age 5 and 2. Had a friend of mine who was dating one of my wife's friends. The hit some hard times, she stopped taking her birth control and didn't tell him. I guess she figured that if she were pregnant, he would have to stick around. They never got married, though they did stay together long past the baby's birth. My buddy just got married to someone else a few months ago, and has his son (almost 5) about 90% of the time. The boy's mother is unfit (try proving it though), has been married and divorced twice, and is just plain lazy. Needless to say, my wife doesn't speak to her any more.
  17. Can't access e-bay from work, what are we looking at?
  18. Work's been so slow here lately that I've had way to much time to look at this board.
  19. Work's been so slow here lately that I've had way to much time to look at this board.
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=002952
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=002952
  22. Couldn't view the trailer at work, but the synopsis sounds pretty interesting. When is this coming out? On DVD?
  23. Here are a few that I found on AutoTrader.com. Didn't know what price range you were looking for, though. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=165549442&dealer_id=&car_year=2001&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_mileage=& max_price=&min_price=&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&fuel=&color=&cardist=74 http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=169557100&dealer_id=69343&car_year=2002&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_mile age=&max_price=&min_price=&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&fuel=&color=&cardist=5 http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=166807045&dealer_id=597580&car_year=2000&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_mil eage=&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=26&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&=&fuel=&color=&cardist=75 http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=164410365&dealer_id=1032938&car_year=2001&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_mi leage=&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=26&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&=&fuel=&color=&cardist=27 http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=163619034&dealer_id=77512&car_year=1999&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_mile age=&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=26&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&=&fuel=&color=&cardist=7 http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=165600111&dealer_id=31023518&car_year=1998&search_type=used&make=PONT&model=GP&transmission=&distance=75&address=43230&advanced=y&max_m ileage=&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=26&end_year=2005&start_year=1997&drive=&engine=6CLDR&body_style=COUPE&advcd_on=y&doors=2&=&fuel=&color=&cardist=25
  24. The whole concept baffles me. Personally, I like to drink in a social environment. I hate being drunk, though. The whole thing with this vapor thing is that you get drunk faster. I think thats just foolish. It hasn't been since high school (at least for me) that going out drinking has been with the specific intent to get drunk. I just don't find being drunk enough fun to completely bypass the social aspect of drinking adult beverages. Who's buying those machines? "I have an idea! Lets build a machine that we can sell to bar and restaurant owners that will be guaranteed to get their customers blitzed in a fraction of the time that drinking alcohol does. That way, Joe Schmoe can stop in, get absolutely trashed, and be back on the road on his way home and still make it in time for dinner! Never mind the fact that it'll still be rush hour." I just don't understand. graemlins/nonono.gif
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