I think they just try way too hard, that the show seems a little fake or too scripted. They try to be like the Brits way too hard. I said it before and I'll say it again. It feels like I'm watching Bulgarian Idol.
It ha been done on a couple of 03 04 Cobras. The idea behind it is that the supercharger will spool the turbos faster because it creates more heat to drive the turbos.
Minimum is 3.5% FHA, 5% Conventional, 0% VA, 3% Home Path program, 0% USDA (Rural Development). That's about all the main programs available these days.
Only closing cost you are going to have is your escrows (we have to collect a new escrow account since the current one is not transferable, but you get the balance of the old escrow back within 30 days), title company fees (these are dependent on the loan amount) and an appraisal fee. That's it.
These rates are with NO POINTS 680+ scores (we go down to 580 scores but there is a small adjustment on the rate). You can get a very good rate even with a 620+ score.
30 year FIXED 3.75% (3.5% with less than a point in buy-down)
20 Year FIXED 3.75% (not much different form 30 year)
15 Year FIXED 2.875% (hanging by a thread today, might be a small buy-down if rates change)
10 Year FIXED 2.875%
As of today. I work for a wholesale lender and that rate was through Union National Bank. I get rate sheets from 17 banks. The only thing that we do is originate the loan, fund it and than we sell it. Kinda like a broker but using our own money.