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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. http://truestreetcars.com/forums/attachments/pics-videos/4458d1273772008-2011-5-0-mustang-vs-bone-stock-ls1-camaro-bench-racing.jpg
  2. There is only one fight I wanna see and that is the Brock Lesnar vs. Alistair Overeem fight. Other than that, I don't care much about this card.
  3. I have had several of these and now I got a Navigon and it works perfectly. It even shows you a picture of the intersection before you need to turn.
  4. I don't think it's HDMI. It's heavy but it has wheels to roll on easy. 2 people can load it in a truck.
  5. I normally play at sports barn A league. I have played B league a couple of times. Right now ill take what I can get. I just don't like sitting on my ass all winter.
  6. Well. There is your problem. J/k Scott.
  7. Any indoor soccer teams needing players? The team that I normally play on is not signing up for indoor. Let me know. Thanks.
  8. Works good and picture is clear. It's taking up space. Dont need it. I dont know what these are going for anymore so lets start at $300 OBO or trade for a handgun (not too picky on the handgun) http://di1.shopping.com/images1/pi/c7/8e/4c/20742259-200x200-0-0.jpg
  9. Take the money and run like you robbed the guy.
  10. If you want to build that particular car, than I would do it right. Do it once, even if it cost more but do it the right way.
  11. I dont know man. It's the wifes idea. It will probably crash and burn, but it will be funny either way.
  12. Where do you buy your "cold weather" gear at??? My brother in law is a LEO and the wife wants to get him a toboggan that said POLICE on the front. Can you even get one of those?
  13. I'll take the gauge pillar Mike. I work in Gahanna if you wanna meet somewhere.
  14. Now we are getting somewhere in this thread.
  15. Nope. Not worried. If he is, he needs an amberlapms...
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