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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. I liked the bitch on the leash.
  2. 450whp on a bike with a tire that has about 3 inches contact with the road is not good idea. If he can make that bike hook, than I think it may be a different race.
  3. I met up with some guys from work at the Polaris one last week before they closed. I haven't been there in years. The food took 45 minutes to come out, tasted like garbage, never got my cheese dip even though I asked for it 3 times and still got charged for it. Screw that place. No wonder they went out of business.
  4. Any car that is almost 20 years old is going to need something. You have a great start with good car. Parts are cheap, easy to find, and it looks like you dont have much in the car. I think you got a good deal on it.
  5. Sweet ride man. Have fun with it.
  6. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.urlesque.com/media/2010/05/hatereagle.jpg
  7. Did this get bumped from 6 months ago? Sure did.
  8. Good fast cars, horrible music for the video, not one good camera angle, and what's up with all the cell phone stuff? Good races, horrible recording.
  9. Some carbs work great right out the box and some dont. When you buy a used carb, that sometime can be a problem too. A lot of people like to mess with them and have no clue how to do it. Myself included.
  10. That looks like a gs500 to me. It's a low 12 sec bike.
  11. L92 is a regular port, and the 317/LQ4/LQ9 heads are cathedral port right???
  12. How about the L92 heads??? Anything good/bad about them?
  13. Easier to swap, cheaper, less wiring. I'm looking into a race car only, so I don't care about streetability. It's doing to be a gutted out car anyhow.
  14. What's the best flowing head (stock production) for these LSX's. I see a lot of people going with the 317 heads on turbo cars because of the larger chambers and they lower compression, but what if you wanna do nitrous and higher compression? Are the LQ9 the "cathedral" heads or are they the conventional port? I have been thinking about doing something with an LQ9 bottom end a good cam, good stock production heads, and go carbed with a little spray. There was a guy on ls1tech.com that went 5.70's on a 150 shot with a similar combo in a foxbody but I just cant find the thread anymore.
  15. ls1tech.com has pages and pages of this stuff on there. You can read all you want.
  16. Any more info on the motor/turbo on it???
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