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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. You can pick up a turbo kit for those cars fairly cheap. If it's a daily though, just drive it.
  2. New School vs Old School http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO9WmYsqi-o&feature=feedu
  3. It's not a daily driver for sure. Things break on it a lot just like any car from the 50's and 60's with that times technology. But parts are easy to find (relatively) and they are easy to work on. It's a nice car to cruise in on weekends and tinker with.
  4. Here is a couple of things you can do with it. http://www.socalook.com/gallery/hidalgo64/450/3_4front.jpg http://philscarblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/vw-beetle-sti-large_4.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSoFylhPsr3NP4TglQTyHRZ8cCfX5JC6u73pjfBOez9yVUBZiZ4
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Justy-WRX-engine-motor-swap-turbo-AWD-race-sti-evo-jdm-/140508664572?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item20b6f812fc
  6. This thread is still going??? 16 pages??? Good read everyone...
  7. The only things that they are not showing are the thousands of shots he missed.
  8. Fuck water cooling it. I'm swapping an LS1 in it.
  9. Where is "all of the above" button???
  10. I think this video is well put together.
  11. If I can get them back from the dry cleaners. I used them last night.
  12. But I love you ;( .... <-------------Turning this thread gay
  13. I wasn't talking about you butt pirate. You stfu:gtfo:
  14. Yeah, It's only been there for about meeeeeeeehhh 25+ years...
  15. I just love it when newbs jump on this site and post in EVERY fucking thread like they have been here for years, putting their fingers in every ones kool-aid and stirring it up.
  16. I would also trade for a couple of large pizzas.
  17. Most of the loans these days do not have any pre-payment penalties, but there are some old loans that have some.
  18. Don't buy a diesel. You don't want one. Who wants a $2000 Jetta Diesel anyhow. Plus, it is probably a scam. Please PM me the info for the seller with a phone number so I can verify for you it is not a scam.
  19. It depends. Normally it is between 7-8 years. Yes, paying mortgage interest sucks because mortgage interest is "front loaded". That means that for the first 3-5 years of your mortgage you pay 85-90% towards interest on a 30 year mortgage depending on a few factors. IF you can, than I suggest paying extra towards the principal and that will help you pay the home earlier and pay way less in interest. The shorter the term of the mortgage, the lesser you pay in interest. Normally on a $150K 30 year loan @ 4.5% interest you will pay $146K in finance charge, and that means that you paid $296K for that house at the end of that 30 year term.
  20. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2178574508.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2160437385.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2159712156.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2154221466.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/2152272329.html http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/2151980452.html
  21. It worked great for me. I sold the car that I used this in so I don't need it anymore.
  22. I'll take $25 OBO. It works great, no problems. Comes with a power cord, mount and 2 suction cups.
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