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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. Taking a pic sitting on Busa that IS NOT YOURS and taking a pic is GAY AS FUCK. BTW, Isn't that Dover's Busa??? With Eric in the background. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs152.ash2/40917_10150232651815182_619140181_14202346_7476322_n.jpg
  2. I should be good on medium. I wanna show my guns anyhow.
  3. I hate to say it but, told ya so. We are talking about a guy that didn't want to pay for a sub that HE ATE.
  4. Duff, put me in for large instead of medium. Don't forget Justin too.
  5. I think we made a huge improvement from last game. Offense did a lot better, defense had a couple of missed assignments but they made it up with a couple of INT's for TD's and some great 3 and outs.. We are a little rough around the edges but we are shaping very well.
  6. I bet it's just the front damper. The little rubber piece to crack walks out of place throwing the balance off. It's common for a 10+ year old 5.0L to have this.
  7. I got one from my dude. He is the manager at GameStop. He is dropping it off on Sunday.
  8. Steve, Based on what I saw in the video I sent you 3 plays that I think will work every time. They are based on redirecting the defense on one side so they "chase" 2 or 3 receivers while the play is being ran on the opposite side. It worked well in the last game and I think it's a good tool even on goal line stances. Also they can be used as run plays too. I'll explain in the meeting.
  9. BTW our next game is against the Smash Grabbers at 9pm. This team got blown out 63-7 last game. This must be a big W for us.
  10. I already called wow. They don't.
  11. If we cant meet for practice, we can come to the game about an hour early and go through the offense before the game.
  12. WOW doesn't have connection here. I think its just Insight and maybe TWC.
  13. What kind of a loan? Personal, mortgage, car???
  14. When you pull the flags go for the cord and not the actual flag. Its a lot easier to get to the cord.
  15. That's who I was trying to go with but he is not returning my calls or my pm's.
  16. Who has the hook up on it. I need a deal ASAP. Thanks.
  17. Hey Paul. I'm thinking about picking that boat up. Anything that I need to know about it. Good? Bad? Anything?
  18. So what's the verdict. I wanna take the mustang out and see if these new plugs are any better. I'm down with some genjis.
  19. 4 lug or 5 lug? I have a set of 17" Cobra R's???
  20. TRUE FACT: Charlie Chaplin entered a Charley Chaplin look alike contest in 1928 and won 3rd place.
  21. Hey... I was on 270W myself today...
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