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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. I don't think the mustang guys are getting salty at all. You said the mustang was ahead of you 15 times flashing his hazards. Last time I checked the car ahead wins.
  2. Sounds to me like you got waxed 15 times by a 4.6 GT.
  3. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2208014118#!/group.php?gid=2208014118 Here is the page for the guy that did a replica of it.
  4. I doubt that. I don't think there is a big demand for this movie to be on blue ray.
  5. I have it at home. Seen it over 20 times.
  6. Are you serious? You race it, what else. That's an outlaw car.
  7. I'm sure that car is built to put the power to the ground. It will not have a problem.
  8. I played 11 in college. hahaha. I'll take #1 than.
  9. He should be banned. Here is a previous example of a person that got banned (rightfully so), for something that happened outside CR and had nothing to do with any vehicles. Member A does a business transaction with Member B. Member A charges Member B for business transaction but never delivers the agreed service. Member A got banned (rightfully so).
  10. Agreed. First goal is to win a game. Not to have any doubts, but we have not played anyone yet, and we are not even clear on all the rules. We have not even had a game scenario yet. Like you said, some of these teams have played together for a while and have their shit packed down. Lets not be ahead of ourselves.
  11. Way too much money for that boat. You can find a nicer better kept jetboat for less. They sound like sex skipping across the water though.
  12. Brocktober baby... Cant wait. Here is what I think. Gonzaga wins. I think its going to be a lot closer than people think. Hamill wins. I hope he does. Because he is from Ohio. I'll call Sanchez for the upset. I may be wrong on this one though. Shields wins. Who gives a fuck though. I don't care about this fight. Brock wins. Unless Cain wins.
  13. Maybe... But one on Sat and one on Sun may be too much brah. My groin still is not 100% after Sun.
  14. Didn't he bitch about paying for a sub/sandwich that HE ATE. How much was the sub??? $10???
  15. The punisher just does work. LOL. You are my comic book hero Wagner.
  16. http://www.alaskarails.org/fp/passenger/pakitrain.jpg
  17. The indoor turf at Sports Ohio if I remember right is soccer turf (carpet). So sliding on it is worst than sliding on asphalt. The practice is behind OSU Stadium, so you can use the parking lot next to the stadium.
  18. Its actually expensive as fuck. Its chromolly (sp.).
  19. Pics look good. Whats the best free photo editing software? I'm not serious enough with pics to pay $200 for photoshop.
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