Pull your ABS fuses, should be 2 of them (I think). Your ABS light will come on, but that's ok. Drive it and see if it goes away first. If it does, put your fuses back in, and drive it to get rid of any codes. Check your ABS rings, to see if they are split, cracked, or have rust build-up on them. If your car has 2-wheel front ABS, then find where your ABS connector plugs in. Unplug 1 and hook up your Ohm meter to the sensor side. Find out how many volts that ABS sensor should put out (should be close to 1 or 2 volts). Then find out what the Ohm's should be as well. Spin the wheel on Ohms and volts. If you can't find what the Ohms and volts should be just make sure that each sensor puts out close to the same as the other. If one is considerably lower or 0 then that's your bad ABS sensor. If you have 4-wheel ABS then you'll need ALL-DATA or something to tell you the pin read outs for the rear ABS in a control box. Because I think the rear ABS sensors (if 4 wheel ABS) would probably run under the rear seats or somewhere in that area. Also try jiggling the sensor wires around with the Ohm meter hooked up to see if you have a short or something as well. Yeah and do what Anthony said first then try this.