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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. Bought this from Vince (nurkvinny) a few months back and it's helped me to lose some of the weight I've lost this year (over 100 pounds and counting). I'm looking to move into a more traditional free weight setup and would like this out of here. Comes with dip bar, butterfly bar, leg attachment, manual, original poster showing workouts, and all the resistance bands. Probably the most complete set you will find for this dirty cheap. Shows very little wear. You can also use free weights on this and can do a ridiculous amount of exercises as seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKlUMROYzvM Hard to take a picture of it, but here's my attempt. http://i.imgur.com/UlBdc38.jpg Better angle not of this particular unit but exactly the same http://www.majhost.com/gallery/CHOOPS/VIDEOS/soloflex.jpg I paid Vince 100 bucks which was pretty cheap for all he included. . . I'll ask 75...you pick it up. This machine was an expensive machine in it's time and still provides an epic workout!!!
  2. I ended up getting Alan Wake, Deus Ex, and Left 4 Dead 2. . all for about 10 bucks. Good times.
  3. Ya I'm leaving the fan on throughout most of the day as well. . . it beats keeping all the ceiling fans on, that's for sure! =)
  4. So after many adjustments and tinkering yesterday I was able to get the primary rooms upstairs a comfortable temp range. There are 6 vents downstairs and 9 vents upstairs. I ended up closing all but 2 vents downstairs and closed off 1 room upstairs entirely (the office) and the vents in laundry room and walk-in closet and left primary bedroom vents open and all doors open (minus closets/office) and while it was still hotter than downstairs it was within 5-6 degrees. I will run it like this for awhile and keep tabs on things. It seems to be working so far tho! My only concern would be extra stress on the overall unit and it does seem to be running a bit longer than before so I will keep an eye on electric bill and such. If for some reason it skyrockets I may just go with a window unit and shut off the primary in the evenings. Thanks again all!
  5. Thanks for the wealth of information! I'm currently trying with all vents downstairs closed and everything upstairs opened. We'll see how that goes. I have a fan blowing up the stairs, but it hasn't really made a difference. Perhaps a heavy duty one is in order. Ultimately it's only a real PITA at night when trying to sleep in a 80 degree bedroom, even with fans on. Oh well. I'll get it worked out. Thanks again all!
  6. Ya, that's what I'm afraid of. Is it normal for the air pressure in upstairs vents on ceiling to be quite a bit lower than downstairs? I assume so due to the degrade of airflow throughout the ductwork and from downstairs. I really need to learn more about this shit
  7. Right, but I am on a slab. . . no basement. . . just a concrete foundation. I assume perhaps a trip to the attic is in order.
  8. Hey guys. Sorry if this seems like a silly question. But anyway. . . my wife and I purchased a home last year and it's a 2 story home on a slab foundation. Our previous home was a ranch style single story with basement and never had this problem. . . naturally. What we're experiencing and I'm reading mixed reviews from my research is our downstairs stays super cool right now with the thermostat set at 73. . . while the upstairs stays very muggy. The house is about 8 years old. I have replaced the filter and everything seems to be running properly. The outside a/c unit is clean and free of debris. The downstairs vents push a good amount of air out, however the upstairs vents you can barely feel the cool air come out of them. My concern is perhaps our unit outside is underpowered, or the duct work is shoddy. . . or perhaps 2 story homes on slabs are just destine to have this 2 story temperature conflict with thermostat downstairs and none upstairs in the warmer months? But man there is barely any air coming out upstairs. I have tried closing vents downstairs to provide more circulation upstairs but it has not helped much if at all. Do we have any economical options in this scenario outside of getting a window unit or something for upstairs? Is something wrong? This is your standard forced air setup, furnace unit is on 2nd floor. Thanks for any and all advice. Sorry I really don't know much about heating/cooling
  9. Agreed it was a waste of taxpayers money. Clearly it was an open and shut case with the evidence available, regardless of how it all went down.
  10. What Randy said. There's no secret to losing weight. Just stop eating shit and eat whole non-processed foods. No soda, no candy, no chips, no fast food. Fresh meats/veggies low sugar fruits (strawberries for instance). And most importantly, GET MOVIN'! =) A typical day for me consists of a cup of low fat cottage cheese with a cup of strawberries for breakfast, a grilled chicken herb salad with nuts for lunch, and a sensible dinner consiting of 6-8oz of lean protein, 1-2 cups of vegetables, and a healthy starch (wild rice, quinoa). Snacks in between meals consist of primarily 10-12 almonds or 1/2 cup strawberries. This isn't to say I don't have days where I indulge with my wife at a dinner or something, but I've made a change in the way I eat and I don't overdo it anymore. I used to go to roosters and order 10 breaded wings, dumpster fries, and 2 sides of blue cheese and gobble it up. Now if we go to Roosters I might get 4 naked tenders and a side salad with a water. Or if I want wings I get 5 and eat a full size salad with it. It's not easy. . . but it's worth it!! I wish you the best!
  11. Down a couple more pounds. It's amazing what 100 pounds can do to your face. Good times! SUPER PUFF TO SUPER BUFF. . . . no ok http://i.imgur.com/wtAPNRd.jpg Yea. . . it's scary.
  12. It's a lot more enjoyable than 2. In 2 you don't buy cars, but rather are "given" then for completing events. Not a lot of variety. Just feels a bit more detached than the first. Graphically I'd say the first is even better in some aspects. Especially with the ultra-high texture download. If you're into multiplayer online racing though, Grid 2 is alive. Grid 1 is not.
  13. Grid 2 isn't quite as good as the first, but I still enjoy it. These are some great sales! I have such a huge backlog tho
  14. Thanks again for all the love and congrats to you other weight-losers on your success! As far as the questions go : I started at 380, and I am at 279 today. . so I'm continuing to drop. I am 6'3.5" tall. Diet: Clean eating... mostly 1800-2000 calories a day. No bad sugar or processed carbs. . .lots of grilled turkey and broccoli, strawberries, grilled veggies, chicken breasts. The usual shit. There's really no secret. . . I continue to eat this way and I find new recipes every day to make "healthier" food tastier food It's wild what a wife who is addicted to pinterest and you bettering your health can do for your cooking abilities, LoL Thanks for the input on CrossFit. . . I don't know shit about it, except that it's interval training and has helped some of my friends get into great shape. It's definitely not my style, I'd much rather lift raw weight and build muscle than tone. With all that said. . . anyone wanna start some stronglift 5x5x5 action? :-D To all you others losing weight and continuing your journeys. . keep kicking ass! I really want to hit that 230-250 range ultimately.
  15. Thanks buddy! This is the reason I wanted to commit to a change. . . not just for me, but for them. I think what's helped me most is not trying to be better than anyone else (have a lot of fit friends who lift a ton). . . but just trying to always improve and be better than I used to be. I'm not the best I can be, but I'm better than I was. . . stronger than I used to be
  16. Thanks guys! Yes I was a kentucky fried chicken eatin mofo for many years LoL Elliptical almost every day, starting with 20 minutes and working up to my current full incline/resistance of 60 minutes. It's wild how much cardio strength you can gain over time! About half-way through I added dumbbells into the mix (upper body circuit stuff) and then got a soloflex (of all things) and started using that for a more full body workout. But regardless of weights, I did cardio almost every single day. . . felt like I was cheating myself if I didn't. It has worked out!!!
  17. So I just wanted to post this here and maybe help motivate some others with it. I started my weight loss journey January 1st as the dreadful "I will lose weight this year". . . . and for the first in my adult life I actually stuck to it and just kept going. All I've done is workout 5-6 times a week and eat right. I still have a ways to go. I'm gonna start a CrossFit program and start lifting now. . . my ultimate goal is to build up to strongman stuff. We'll see. Anyway, if anyone could recommend a good CrossFit program or would want to start lifting with me, hit me up! http://i.imgur.com/Uq3eWxb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wtAPNRd.jpg
  18. Definitely a roosters fan also...regardless of chain status..they are doing something right!!! This fatty has been to most wing places in town. While Roosters does lack in sauce variety. . they make up for in wing quality. I'd say the best one I've been to is the one in Circleville, always saucy and cooked to perfection. Favorite sauces are hot/garlic and sweet thai chili. Get some!
  19. What a great mood I would be in to pay a dollar for gas again. It's been so long.
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