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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. I also left the iphone family last year and switched to android. I'm rocking currently a Motorola Atrix 2 which I find to be a sleeper hit of 2011 in the android market. It's very smooth and fast, beautiful qHD display, pretty decent camera, and the ability to transform your phone into a netbook with a somewhat expensive (200 bucks) accessory called a webtop (essentially a 10" laptop with keyboard you plug your phone into) and can surf the net in a full firefox browser and essentially do anything else you'd do on a netbook. With that said, and as others have said. It really boils down to personal preference. If you want a smooth streamlined, never changing experience with all the accessories and universal-ability a person could dream for. . . stick with the iphone. If you're a bit on the geeky side and wanna be different. . . . like the idea of tinkering with your phone and the software, and like the ability of running custom ROM's and homebrew apps that are incredibly dynamic and always changing. . . you owe it to yourself to try an android. I will add in final tho that the resale value will probably always be greater on an iphone after a year, and this is simply because the android hardware development has been advancing quite rapidly and as such it's kind of hard not to feel buyers remorse when you buy a new android phone and something much greater comes out in a few months.
  2. Hey Tim and Anthony! Man these last couple years have been crazy. Lived in Ashville for almost 2 years and now relocated to Jackson of all places due to the wife now working out of a clinic in Portsmouth. My two little girls are keeping me crazy busy, so much in fact I've kind of trained myself to not get online much, and devote as much time to them as I can. But now things have settled so I hope to read more on here and maybe even make some meets. Getting lonely with no social outlets and need to let something happen, LoL. How's the photography going Tim? Get any new toys in that respect? We should chat sometime! I've got a couple things. You still rocking out the bird and MW Anthony? Good times. Is Rob still active on here?
  3. It's been a minute. How are you all doing? Well I hope. All you old CR peeps still kickin?
  4. Tim is tentatively going to take the tower separately from monitor, will post up monitor separately in new thread.
  5. Sorry been away all day and left my phone at home, replied to PM's.
  6. EDIT: FORGOT TO MENTION THIS COMES WITH WINDOWS 7 64 BIT ULTIMATE EDITION ..YOU WILL RECEIVE THE CD AND KEY (100% GENUINE MICROSOFT PRODUCT..purchased this when I built machine and has only been put on this machine)
  7. I can see making light of a situation, but at the same time as a father I would never use dead baby jokes in this instance. Have a little bit of respect for the situation, eh?
  8. Hey all, long time no see. Sorry got busy with life and haven't been on the net much as of late. Doing some winter cleaning and found a beatles rock band edition drum and guitar set in my closet with box. I don't have the game anymore as I sold it months ago with the system but they didn't want the peripherals. Anways it's the limited edition drums and guitar with mic and stand. I used it maybe an hour or two with my wife before we got bored, which is probably why we sold the ps3. Anyway, would like to see maybe 30 for everything? It's virtually a new set of everything to get you playing, and in like-new condition. Thanks!
  9. I wish death upon this man. http://myfox28columbus.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/videos/wtte_vid_7734.shtml Quindell Sherman, 20, allegedly threw his 3-month-old infant son to the ground, put him into a garbage can, took him out of it and then put him into a second garbage can, witnesses told ABC6/FOX28 News' Carol Luper. It happened, according to the Columbus Division of Police, during a fight Sherman had with the baby's mother Tuesday night. At one point, Sherman grabbed young Jaden and slammed him to the ground several times. Witnesses say they watched in horror as Sherman put the baby in a trash can on E. 16th Avenue directly behind the residence. In critical condition, the child was rushed to Nationwide Children`s Hospital, where he died. Sherman was arrested a short time later. He's due to appear in court on Thursday. Court records did not list an attorney for Sherman as of early Wednesday. He's scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning. Family friend Bertha Hinkle said, "I'll never get to hold the baby. It's a terrible thing. I haven't slept all night. I'm just a wreck." Hinkle told ABC6/FOX28 News that she often saw Jaden's mother -- Sonja Mitchell -- with her two children. "She's got two babies. One's a walking child, the other's about three months old, a new baby," Hinkle said.
  10. Now might be a good time to quit, lol. HONG KONG (Reuters) – Chemical extracts from cigarette butts -- so toxic they kill fish -- can be used to protect steel pipes from rusting, a study in China has found. In a paper published in the American Chemical Society's bi-weekly journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, the scientists in China said they identified nine chemicals after immersing cigarette butts in water. They applied the extracts to N80, a type of steel used in oil pipes, and found that they protected the steel from rusting. "The metal surface can be protected and the iron atom's further dissolution can be prevented," they wrote. The chemicals, including nicotine, appear to be responsible for this anti-corrosion effect, they added. The research was led by Jun Zhao at Xi'an Jiaotong University's School of Energy and Power Engineering and funded by China's state oil firm China National Petroleum Corporation. Corrosion of steel pipes used by the oil industry costs oil producers millions of dollars annually to repair or replace. According to the paper, 4.5 trillion cigarette butts find their way into the environment each year. Apart from being an eyesore, they contain toxins that can kill fish. "Recycling could solve those problems, but finding practical uses for cigarette butts has been difficult," the researchers wrote. China, which has 300 million smokers, is the world's largest smoking nation and it consumes a third of the world's cigarettes. Nearly 60 percent of men in China smoke, puffing an average of 15 cigarettes per day. (Reporting by Tan Ee Lyn; Editing by Miral Fahmy) Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100513/sc_nm/us_butts
  11. Will also entertain trade offers for ps3 titles, since I can play that more casually and still own one.
  12. Bump, controller gone. . .updated list. Make me some offers. Certainly someone on here wants some MW2 action or Forza fun? =)
  13. True story Hope you're happy with purchase Putty, it's a fun time. That new Mario is a trip.
  14. Updated again, added my rapid fire black wireless controller. Basically you hit a button on the back to turn it on and it turns your semi-auto guns into fully auto. Has 4 modes. Some call it cheap but it's a good time either way. Hit me up if interested.
  15. Sold quite a bit of this, got some stuff left. No longer have a 360 so make me some offers!
  16. Bump! Plenty left! Will be at easton tonight if anyone wants anything that's left. . . I can bring it with me!
  17. Yes, actual board included and everything. Pm'd you.
  18. John hit me up first through pm on wireless adapter, pending sale to him.
  19. Great game, but I will have no way to play it and have played thru it before. Thanks for the offer tho!
  20. Games: Modern Warfare 2 $30 Forza 3 $30 Borderlands $25 Left For Dead 2 $25 Rock Band 2 with rockband drums (drums are from original rockband game, but work great in rock band 2, barely played on) $40 with drums Guitar Hero 5 with wireless guitar $50 All has been adult owned by me and well cared for. Not a single scratch on any game. Note on travel: I can meet in Grove City or off 270 around obetz. Thanks! http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx69/slimpsy/3nf3k63o75T65X55S5a4n253ef44c817811.jpg
  21. Parting out games/accessories. . . selling system to dover.
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