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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. Uhh, I don't really know you but a good friend and I hang out a couple times a month down here in Lancaster at the Mill. . . . play pool and drink a few pitchers. It's good times. You could join us if you want. New friends are cool
  2. I may have a friend interested, need post deer pics.
  3. Lots of thread shitting here. Good luck with the sale, that's a great camera! I have the XSi myself and absolutely love it!
  4. Grats, welcome to fatherhood, it's a great time!
  5. I go to Meijer for most needs, and online at amazon, as stated within this thread..for the rest. Fuck that corporate Nazi camp.
  6. Always loved that color, bump for a clean 10 year old mustang, that looks new!
  7. Wondering how far a carfax would go back and would it work on my 68 nova? Wanting to see where it originally came from and who owned it and where they owned it. Is this possible? Thanks!
  8. I may just buy new floor pans, but either way I wanna coat em with something ^^
  9. Prolly shoulda put this in tech help or passing lane...my mistake!
  10. Over the winter I'm going to get together the necessities to re-do the under-body of the Nova. I've heard good things about POR 15, wanted to know if it's really the best thing to use to put on old metal under-bodies to prevent any future rust? Also, should I get the under-body sandblasted prior to applying such a product? Here's what I'm dealin with: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c256/byhi/100_0756.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c256/byhi/100_0758.jpg Thanks!
  11. http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/00257/zombieland02rvt1_257606gm-b.jpg
  12. Definitely like Deadmau5 For you guys heavily into the female vocals happy stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dBu5X3TvNw Alice Deejay hands down ^^
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