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Everything posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. The best thing is was that I was told by 4 people from reputable PC sites, that it "just won't fit" LOL Edit: Also populated all the DIMM slots as well 24gb of ram is badddddddd
  2. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6877/img0280hf.th.jpg http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/2851/img0283ts.th.jpg http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/105/img0278mr.th.jpg http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/5899/img0281qh.th.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/1710/img0279vq.th.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4246/img0277lc.th.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/2732/img0276no.th.jpg http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/5319/img0275og.th.jpg I've since upgraded to 2 GTX 460's SLI'd but its pretty much the same
  3. I need to repost my loop crammed into an Antec 300
  4. Turn your memory down and loosen the timings. Thy don't scale as well when oced like a CPU or Gpu. And yes prime95 for around 48 hours last time I ran it no errors
  5. And FWIW I have a 930 right now that can bench at 4.7
  6. Dont go over 1.45ish just watch your temps while loaded and you'll be fine
  7. I had a H70 with a 920 at 4.3 forever, waiting for Gillbot to chime in
  8. More voltage and turn off speedstep bs, may not need voltage added once u disable speedstep
  9. The chances of t leaking are very slim, and if it does things will pop lol
  10. Fake water is fake water. Build a real loop I just saw you have a 960, stop being a puss and crank it up. 4Ghz is child's play.
  11. Chadz89GTA


    Thread was a cock tease
  12. This thread needs moar Uncle Dolan...
  13. Rofl spit my fucking pop out at work
  14. Chadz89GTA

    Diablo 3

    Been playing since launch at 3am, was able to log in and not have any issues woooooooooooot
  15. Coolant pipes ate what your looking for, your best bet is going to be he stealership since most get corroded hen removed or break. I'll try and dig up the part number when I get home, just google ls6 swap an get two fronts and Y them.
  16. http://www.gandrtactical.com/images/archive/Winchester%20Ammo/230gr%2045%20Ranger.jpg Is all I'll ever carry.
  17. My car threw lean codes til I got a new maf
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