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Everything posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. And before you come back with the "You can't drive it in the winter" I do. I have snow tires I'm not a pussy like most people After all it's a car. It's meant to get the shit beat out of it no matter the conditions.
  2. Oh, like hauling fatties around town? I drive my car to work often and actually use it, it's a HUGE difference when you're not obese, fit in the car, and can use it for everyday things
  3. People that buy fbodies to be cool then trade them in for SUVs due to being fat suck.
  4. Check his pockets, he ain't got no moneyyyyy
  5. The GTA's been gone since 04, totalled it. Have the car in my sig, a 90 Mustang GT, and a recently aquired 84 F41 Camaro that currently needs a drivetrain So if you ever wanna offset some of the cost on your LSx swap gimme a PM
  6. How much do you want for your old shit
  7. Bought one of these yesterday, nice set.
  8. Also I thought the name of this site was Columbus"racing" just saying fatty.
  9. Gr8 dis, your mother help ya think of that???
  10. So you negative rep someone that's local to Cbus but you live is Wisconsin hummmmmmm
  11. Don't worry about Not Brian he was once a ricer, so he purchased an F-Body but he was rejected by the F-Body crowd, so now he drives a Trailblazer SS since he's too fat and gaytarded to fit in an F-Body.
  12. Chadz89GTA


    INB4 Cordell butthurt thread.
  13. And people that sit on them such as Not Brian.
  14. Poor LS1 with dinosaur injection ((
  15. Thirdgen camaro or gtfo. Everyone turbo's 4th gens around here. Jesus look at Ray and the Ohio Boys, rarely do you see a proper 3rdgen with a turbo.
  16. That's a bad tire? Id hate to see what you consider a good tire -_-
  17. We shall see next track day I look forward to beating you in my pile of shit Comero http://www.columbusracing.com/banners/troll.png
  18. Only a truck motor for a few weeks more http://jpstampedconcrete.com/images/parts/IMG_0346.jpg And a 150 shot, me no skurred
  19. Truck motor that takes a 150 shot to the face, care to try a 150 shot on that AUDILOL
  20. Clean maf, have o2's checked etc etc a dirty maf will do strange things
  21. Google. All they did was replace the 3G logo with the 4G logo, speeds didn't change. Edit: First link in google. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2401422,00.asp
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