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Everything posted by cinergi

  1. cinergi


    Which S&W model did you look at? I am assuming the Sigma with that price range. It's a great guy, but what people don't understand about it is, it was designed to be strictly a defensive weapon not a target shooter. It is accurate and I do recommend it to anyone who wants to develop better trigger control. It's not always the best choice for one gun. However, if you can master shooting the Sigma well you can shoot anything. I will keep an eye out for you. I have a 9 in that price range, but no 40's.
  2. Is this part of Obama's plan to create more jobs?
  3. I can't search atm, but look at nra-ila.com they should have supporting information.
  4. As much as I love these, I would consider trading the SER for it.
  5. You better believe when there isn't a buyer in the US, they do go somewhere. Usually not to places we like to hear about them going to. Mexico would probably be in the top five destinations right now... as well as the usual suspects. More than likely a broker would step in and make that transaction occur. I highly doubt any of the retailers of these are willingly going to sell to the places that really want them. That would just be bad for business, not to mention legal issues. I think the FFL's would step far away from that, but there have been shady transactions in the past.
  6. Now, this is one of the greatest arguments of all time for gun advocates. The two greatest American Battle Rifles of all time, the M1A (M14) vs M1G. We could argue and argue about this. Both have the ability to do what needs to be done. One of the main reasons the M1G was taken out of service is because of the inability to hold the capacity that everyone wanted. Anyone who has shot a match grade or modified to proper levels M1G next to even a national match M1A would be very surprised at the possibilities. It mostly comes down to what that shooter prefers. M1A fits me better, but I sure do like that 30-06 round!
  7. They fear a heavy round, long range capability or something that has the ability to fire many, many rounds... Well, to them anyway. I agree, the things that an M1G can do in the hands of the right shooter would negate having to need a hi-cap. But there are undoubtedly reasons to have those as well. It's just a rights infringement... They have to begin somewhere... this administration, anyway.
  8. It DID technically begin last year... technically it's been in design for a long, long time... but it finally came to fruition. I've been eyeballing it for awhile, but this is their actual first "move". People who wished they had guns now should have bought a long, long time ago. If you're just now trying to start a collection you are WAY behind the curve... and plenty of adequate notice was given.
  9. With what I know of that place I wouldn't be looking for guns there, but wouldn't waste my time in traffic to try and find deals, either. There are a lot of "dreamer sellers" that are known to frequent up there.
  10. Good find, I think I could have used this about 20 times in the past 8 years.
  11. http://www.foxnews.com%2Fpolitics%2F2010%2F09%2F01%2Fobama-administration-reverses-course-forbids-sale-antique-m-rifles%2F&h=c6097
  12. And so it begins... The Obama administration bars collectors from aquiring antique rifles. Forget gun free zones, we would like a Pelosi and Obama free zone. Who else would "like" this?Obama Administration Reverses Course, Forbids Sale of 850,000 Antique Rifleswww.foxnews.comThe Obama administration approved the sale of the American-made rifles to South Korea last year. But it reversed course and banned the sale in March -- a decision that went largely unnoticed at the time but that is now sparking opposition from gun rights advocates.
  13. I cannot find the section of the "Usual Suspects" on youtube or elsewhere that I want. The part where McManus says: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag". Anyone know where I can find it?
  14. I think I can put you in touch with a Supra. It's older, but he is looking to trade. He is picky as hell and has turned down about every offer, but he has gotten mostly junk. I'll PM you.
  15. Site looks a lot cleaner now!
  16. Yeah, definitely factor in the driving time being a PARKING LOT as soon as you hit RT62. The place was cool and lots of TRADERS. Watch out for peeps pushing machines guns, usually it's an ATF, FBI or other setup. I saw enough of that BS to stay away from it. They've busted quite a few people out there over the years.
  17. Where are you moving to? And what kind of work are you looking for?
  18. Welcome to the board, nice Camaro!!
  19. I might go, but I doubt it. There was so many three letter agencies up in that bitch the last time I was there that I think I want to avoid that place. I have made out very well in the past going there, though.
  20. Good price, if I didn't already pick up a winter car I would be all over it. Is it 4x4?
  21. Which harmonic balancer were you using?
  22. I didn't think it was. I don't think Rich or Claire would give a gift card for a used gun.
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