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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. http://homepage.mac.com/limefrog/cantseeshitcaptain.jpg
  2. That honda got OWNED! And remember kiddies... IF YOU DRAG WE SNAG!!
  3. SHO > * hahahaha.. God I hate my SHO shoulda named it POS (wow how original.. anyways..)
  4. Bandwidth Limit Exceeded The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later. DAMMIT I MISSED IT haha
  5. Come on now.. the second one owned, I mean that flying car into the back of the yacht! GEEZ SKILLZ! And the ramp off of the bridge! That movie is right up their with another classic Torque!
  6. http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates/statemap?visited=AZARCACOCTDCFLGAILINIAKSKYMEMDMAMIMSNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKPARISCSDTNTXVAWV <a href="http://www.world66.com/myworld66">
  7. graemlins/banned.gif We are going to have to add a section dedicated to car sightings alone...
  8. Holy shit.. that last video made me cringe, kid is fucking nuts
  9. Huh, no.. that's not what I was getting at, I was just stating what he said. This wasn't a hate on RSX type of thing so don't get me wrong, I was just curious as to what everyone thought of them.
  10. What's everyone's opinion on these.. For awhile some kid shit talks about how he could easily rape all kinds of cars and that the RSX Type S is the fastest car ever made.. I don't think they are that great but they arn't too bad by any means. What are all your views on these? Bullshit topic starter I know graemlins/finger.gif
  11. That was fucking sick! I wish my car could do that
  12. I have to give props to this guy for the good manuevers but.. What a dumbass, you don't run from the police, and they mentioned something about it being stolen WHY WOULD YOU STEAL A V6 MUSTANG?! And on top of that why would you try to run in a V6 bwahaha
  13. Size Small/Medium. Jesus.. what would a large look like?!
  14. haha that's badass! But not as sweet as.... http://sunamiturbo.com/
  15. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid114/p9044e57b2b1167a66ddad49b2df6f1cd/f8dac74a.jpg
  16. Once again.. I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to respond. It means alot to me, I guess to bring this to a end, she blocked my phone number and has been out drinking and driving like a retard and according to her friends, she's finaly "free" and I talked to her one last time just to say goodbye and what not and she thought it was the funniest thing to kick me when I was down. She keeps saying her new boyfriend is going to beat the shit out of me and stuff and all that shit. But that really ended it, she blocked my number, I've tried calling with other peoples cells and whatever just to figure out what I did wrong and she just tells me to fuck off and blocks that number. It's been pretty shitty, I'm just going to have to find a way to move on. June 26th is gonna be hard, that would have been our four year anniversary, but fuck it. Thanks once again. I hope this is as bad as bad can get...
  17. Wow, I really didn't expect so many responses in such a short amount of time. I really honestly do appreciate this all, it means alot to me. I just wish this shit would have happened earlier in 'the game' or whatever the fuck she viewed it as.. Just kinda bummed and pissed me off. But like I said thanks once again for the responses yall gave me, they give me some hope
  18. I fucking hate how everything has been working out for me lately.. The girl that I've been dating for 3 and a half years.. a month away from 4 one night calls me crying saying that she's sorry and whatever, and so I comforted her and stuff and she says that she's been sleeping with other guys.. So I got mad obviously and said something that I shouldn't have, and so she says right before I go to work that it's over. So I'm obviously a wreck I took it out on a few customers but that's irrelevant so I get home, and she calls me later that night and we talk and she's being a bitch but I was just happy she's talking to me and we end the night with an exchange of 'I love you' and what not so I think maybe things are going alright so a few more days go by with the same reoccurance . I let her do her own thing hoping things will die down, well tonite she calls me to say that she's dating a new guy and that she never wants to talk to me or see me ever again. I was like wtf? What did I do to deserve this? And her excuse is that she's just moving on and that she just wants me out of her life. She gives me all these smartass comments when I ask her why she's doing this and whatever. I just got off the phone with her and I know that it will be the last time I ever talk to her, I don't mean to rant to you guys or anything like that, I'm just dying/pissed off. She was the first girl I ever dated, kissed, slept with, all that stuff and for what nothing. :sigh: well I'm done, sorry to have wasted your time.
  19. 'So we can never be a couple hun fuck love all I got for hoes is hard dick and bubble gum' - Big L 'Tattood F-U-N on my dick for fuck you niggas, while i poke fun at your bitches' - Vaki
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