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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Couldn't agree more! I just catch the recap at the end on some sports show just to watch the crashes
  2. Damn.. I need to get rid of the SHO and buy this!
  3. Damn.. I need to get rid of the SHO and buy this!
  4. Holy shit.. wtf? haha that's um.. different to say the least "Note: If you use it lying down, make sure you turn your hips to avoid a case of the bends" Sweet Jesus.. haha
  5. Damn... Have the money but the car was involved in a crash so I wouldn't have a way to pick it up hmm...
  6. I may be possibly interested.. Any pics would be much appreciated
  7. I have total respect for people who work at hotels now. Goddamn, that's nuts!
  8. That guy will be me in the future.. with the luck I've had with cars... graemlins/jerkit.gif
  9. I went by one in the SHO a few months ago, it randomly was in the middle of NOWHERE on a country road and it reset to "04" and went up to "09" and stayed there. Fun times.
  10. It must be pretty sweet to have a "pimped out ride" with a shitty rusted ass engine! I have yet to see one show where they even touch the engine of the car (correct me if I'm wrong), these cars are horrible looking when they come in.. I can only begin to imagine what shape the engines must be in. graemlins/jerkit.gif
  11. That would be SICK! graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. My car wouldn't even be able to keep up with a car on blocks..
  13. Well last night marked the last time I will ever set foot in Grandview Heights High School again, I guess it was exciting and all but the speeches people gave were bullshit and boring for the most part. The only real thing I didn't enjoy was the long ass annoying slide show presentation.. It was the same people OVER and OVER again pah, but yeah I graduated so now I have to actually do something with my life! But hell I'm out of highschool FINALLY so I'm happy now comes college....
  14. SWEETEST CAMARO EVAR! graemlins/puke.gif
  15. Well I was talking with one of my friends and she kept mentioning that she is looking at this "sweet" 2003 Mustang GT and so I was like alright sounds good. So I asked her to go and take some pictures of it, when she sent them to me I wanted to kill myself.... http://sv.or.tp/david/Forum/Hanna's%20GT.JPG http://sv.or.tp/david/Forum/Hanna's%20GT01.jpg I guess the guy is selling it for $8500 with supposivly low miles, I told her to watch out because I feel she's going to get raped in the ass. But she is insistant on getting it, this car just makes me want to gag. People who do this to there cars need to be dragged out in the street and shot.
  16. Predator > * Wrist Blade + Combi Stick + Smart Disk + Shoulder Cannon + Audio Waveform Analyzer + Bio Helmet = EVERYBODY DIES!
  17. And then you drag them out of their car and pound the FUCK out of them also!
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