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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. You think he's friends with the PIMPIN Stang?
  2. SHO > 11.512 @ 119.34 Nice ass run man. Someday, I mean a long way away I will have a 11 second car haha.. The SHO def. will NOT be that car. Geez I love being a broke ass 18 year old
  3. Radio = Ghey, I'll stick with my CD's all the radio plays is bullshit.
  4. Couldn't agree more, but all in good time....
  5. I remember that Stang.. Everyonce in awhile it's on E-Bay, I saw it around a year ago.. I guess either the person who bought it sold it or they never sold it haha
  6. Geez, everyone's car > mine.. Sweet ass ride man and hot damn is it ever CLEAN!
  7. Nuke The Fuck Out Of Iraq. (I understand this as not being logical but this shit pisses me off)
  8. My car is such super high performance that I don't even need to worry about it being to loud! bwahaha!
  9. http://i.myspace.com/05/69/1229650/10255814_l.jpg My favorite T-Shirt that I own.. That and "Straight Edge, It's All About Automatic Weapons" both some of the HARDEST shirts EVAR! sXe till death
  10. +1 call this guy up, he'll give you the hookup like no other! graemlins/thumb.gif
  11. Since I bought the SHO in December I have gone through fucking FIVE TRANNYS, I haven't run the car hard or anything. I've just been using it to get to work and back. But to get back on the Bexly Auto concern, everytime the tranny has blown it has been due to them installing it wrong. The first time when they installed it they heard a 'loud noise' coming from the tranny so they yanked it out and realized that they didn't bolt it properly so it stayed at the shop for another week and a half. I go and pick it up, the car appears to be running fine but on the freeway the RPMs keep dropping even when the cruise control is ingaged so I thought that was kind of funny. Then I go to start the car up and it just makes this horrible metalic grinding noise. So I have it towed back to them and it turns out they forgot 3 pieces to the tranny. So by this point I was getting really pissed. They were ranked very high on the AAA auto repair ranking list and that's why I took it there. The owner apears to be very honest and he's been nice enough to replace every tranny without question.. I think he has no idea that someone there has what appears to be NO CLUE at what they are doing. I have yet to get 1000 miles out of one tranny from there. The last time it died it was because the mechanic broke the starter off (I have NO idea how?) and he zip tied it back on according to the local AAA shop, so when I was driving down the freeway I hear this big clunk and something flies off my car. I had no idea that the starter even had a remote way of coming off. But everytime I have taken it there something else has gone wrong. I'm getting sick of turning around to have another one replaced.. I have a job and places to be. I brought this up with the owner and he has yet to contact me in return. But basicly if I had the choice I would never go back there again. 5 Trannys is 5 to many. Oh then the mechanic also said it was because, "I was a teenage driver, so I fuck it up on purpose.." graemlins/wtf.gif blah, alright I'm done venting, btw the SHO was wrecked due to a stupid fucking dog in the road! haha I just realized I didn't mention all 5 incidents, but i'm to lazy to go back and whatever. So bear with me. NEVER BUY A SHO EVER!
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