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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. Very nice looking, sweet idea also.. Good job graemlins/thumb.gif
  2. Ok the worst badged Stang I have ever seen was at a Sams Club.. in hell I don't know, it looked pathetic, it was probably a '92 and it had.. the 5.0 badge, a GT badge above the 5.0, a Cobra badge and then the aniversary badge.. It was INSANE, it literaly took up the whole part of his wheel well and then he had a cowl induction hood and down the side it said, "BOSS".. It made me cry. I wanted to gun down the driver it was a hispanic guy and a white girl, you had to see it to believe it, oh yeah and only one side had all the badges.. what a pimp.
  3. Nice looking Stang.. if only I had the money
  4. Nice looking Stang.. if only I had the money
  5. Thanks Rob, I did that and the car started right up graemlins/bubbrubb.gif and thanks to everybody else - David
  6. This happened a little while ago and I am trying to keep from contacting AAA, but a few days ago I went out to head off to work ( graemlins/gay.gif ) and I went to start the car and when I went to turn the key nothing happened at all. I made sure it wasn't in drive or anything stupid like that and everything seemed to be in order and so at first I thought it was because the battery was dead, but what didn't make sense is that all the lights and everything else works it just won't even begin to turn over. So I talked to a friend who said to at least just try to jump it and even when I did that nothing happened. The car had been working fine the night before without any start up problems what so ever, anybody have any idea what the cause is? And how I could fix it? I swear I have the worst luck with cars..
  7. Supposivly the 1997 SHO is notorious for having a major camshaft failure at around 100 thousand miles. I don't know the specifics but you can go on v8sho.com for more information, I'm not really sure how to pinpoint it. When I find out more I'll post it up.
  8. I thought about replacing it but being the great "mechanic" I am I wouldn't even know where to start and what to look for or anything like that
  9. I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions of places to go to get the '97 SHO's camshaft welded. I'm open for anything I just don't want it done wrong, I've heard numerous horror stories of welding gone wrong so I'm looking for a reliable person and/or place. Any help would be appreciated, TIA
  10. I was wondering, I've seen a number of applications done where they take out the stock backlighting of the speedometer and tach and such and replace it with LED's.. I noticed on the SVT that the interior lighting kinda sucks, it's a dull green color just on the numbers.. which is fine when it's pitch black around you but when I'm on the freeway when I go under a overhead light then I can't see the speedometer at all it just disapears due to the colors (Which ends up being a big pain) so I was wondering if the SVT gauges would look better with some LED's behind them, I've looked on E-bay at replacements and shit but most of them arn't the thing I'm looking for.. I really like how the '03 SVT Cobra's counsel lights up.. Any advice as to how I would go about doing this? Or of any applications? T.I.A. - David http://images.cardomain.com/member_images/10/web/406000-406999/406211_7_full.jpg btw that's a shot of the consel but it's not from my car (I'll take some once I get my cam working again) sorry about it not being a nighttime shot, this was the best I could find.
  11. I saw one of those signs on 270 as well, it kinda caught me off guard... Any reason why they are up
  12. Exactly... Their is an extent to the "will pay for ticket" gig
  13. Alright, thanks! I'll make sure to keep you in mind! -David
  14. Well with the complete demolision of the Oldsmobile I pretty much gave up hope, but then one day I decided hell I might as well see if I can tinker around with it a bit and at least attempt to fix it, so I go out and try to start it at first to see if by some 1 in a million chance it will start, but I noticed a very strong gas smell so a few of my friends were over and we popped the hood, and I had another one of my friends get in and attempt to start the car, what seems to happen is that the car won't turn over... it's almost as though it gets stuck and then when he tried again I finaly noticed that gas was pouring out of the air filter, so I was immediatly thinking oh shit, so I took off the air filter and gas just dumped out of it the air filter was drenched in gas. I have no idea as to why gas would be coming out of my air filter (Keep in mind I'm not very good with car mechanics... well frankly I suck horribly) so I've decided yes... once again that this car isn't worth all the time and pain that I put into it, so now it's just sitting in my driveway, does anybody have any idea why gas would come pouring out of the air filter? And I mean it was rushing out, not like little drips but a steady stream. TIA -David
  15. The Oldsmobile took it's last cruise earlier today on my way to work. Got their they said that they had given me new hours and so I left, dropped my friend off at his house and proceded to head home, when at a light the engine made a like whirl that ended in a grind, then all the service lights came on and the engine died. Then it sputtered to start up, I finally got it to start and drove home, and when it would idle it would keep moving forward in spurts, like I was pumping the gas, so I pull into my driveway and turn off the car and their is this noise, I can't really describe it but it was not a good noise for any means, and it just died on the spot, won't start up for anything. I looked under the hood, everything appeared fine then I looked under the car body and their was a big braided hose that had ruptured and was leaking a fluid all over the place (Which we think is the A/C since it was water leaking out or so we think).. My dad said that it's not worth fixing, so we are deciding whether to just junk it or try to salvage some parts, the rims we have are rare (For the year that is) so we might try to get something out of them but other then that I think I'll just have fun beating the shit out of it. But it's been a sad day -David
  16. I would ask some CR members but with me being new and all I don't really feel like imposing on everyone, and being 17 lots of mechanics have tried ripping me off, I have a friend who is I guess a free-lance mechanic and he goes around with me sometimes but I've had guys saying that it's the suspenson on the car and they'd like 300 dollars to fix it and other bullshit, but overall I just don't want any other CR members hating me already... and also everyone usually asumes that since I'm 17 I'm one of those idiots who does flybys all the time and burnouts and really dumb stuff so they kind of blow me off, I had a guy say he's not going to waste his time when all I'll do is get someone killed, I'm not some crazy driver, I've gotten one ticket, but I hate being 17 they all think we are the same (Which is the most part true) and this topic has turned into a teen drama so I'll keep it shut now, sorry for the rant
  17. Lately my beater has just been falling apart (Which I had expected but not in such a short amount of time here was the bill for my last stop in with the Mechanics) Brake Inspection/Grinding -- 39.00 Caliper - Remove & Replace -- 91.00 Includes: Bleed system and replace pads if necessary. - both (Additional Time) - w/ABS add -- 13.00 Wheel Cylinder - Remove & Replace -- 117.00 Includes:Bleed system and replace shoes if necessary. - both Add Time Disc Rotor - Remove & Replace -- 19.50 Includes: repack wheel bearings where applicable and replace pads if necessary. DOES NOT include refinishing. - Front, both Brake Fluid -- 17.76 Front Load Caliper -- 187.74 Front Rotor -- 62.90 Rear Wheel Cylinder -- 54.74 Shop Supplies -- 11.63 Labor: $279.50 Parts: $334.77 Sublet: $0.00 Sub: $614.27 Discount: $60.26 Tax: $37.40 Total: $591.41 This car has done nothing but drain all my daily income. But no it was the "family" car so I have to keep it nice and clean out of respect or some stupid shit. GRRR!!!!! I've already in the past 5 months put well over 1000 dollars into it which dosen't seem like alot but when your only 17 it does. On top of all this, well the tranny problem, now not only does it rev up high it gives really hard violent shifts, like the whole engine feels like it rotates in the engine bay and then jolts back, it's horrific. I hate this car so much, I'm going to drive it into a tree once I get a new one (Honestly.) Ok enough of me bitching, sorry I wasted everyones time. Just pissed off. -David Edit: Oh yea if your wondering why this is in the tech area it was just because that's where I felt it would be the most looked at or w/e haha so everyone can feel bad for me, what's a good small compact car (Such as the CRX or so) that would be cheap yet fast? Any suggestions?
  18. Alright, thanks you guys, i'll probably get to that this weekend if I can figure out my whole work hour issue, btw sorry for the slow response. Once again thanks for your help.
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