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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. Jesse, Did you change your tampon? I'm just kidding dude, before you kill me. I'm sure Derek will be more cautious in the future when touching exotic cars, but, just remeber hes only human, and we all make mistakes. Derek is a good guy, which im positive he didn't intentionally mean to screw you over. So now everyone call him and ask him to check all data alittle closer .
  2. You know I knew I would come up in this.... Yes, that is my sister. God I feel ugly now.
  3. Nate1647545505


    Happy birthday!!!! Semper Fi! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAH!
  4. Mr Gobbles!!!!! NOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!
  5. There is a gentleman on this board, Air Force, I think he is in, and had a Saturn, early 90s maybe? The car was on ESPN, and he did build the motor, car was yellow and caged, I know I have seen him on here, hes a cool guy. He may be of some help.
  6. The only thing I hunt are milfs. What I am packing is defintely high powered, alllllllllll right.
  7. they have animal porn on google.....er.......not that I searched it...or anything....giggity giggity
  8. I came into this thread with my pants off. They are now on. I hope all of you never forget this.
  9. Yeah, because you would be so far behind he wouldn't want to know
  10. Anyone have a tracker for quake 4 that isn't private? orrr.... a filelist.org account?
  11. Art in motion seeing JP roll around in this car. The Rican that could .
  12. She doesn't look that great in this vid, but she is defintely cute when she shows more of her latina side.... http://www.blackeyedpeas.com/home/videos/41452
  13. Pre cat O2s are bank x sensor 1 on GMs, they determine fueling changes in closed loop and can apply a bias to open loop (supposedly). Post cat O2s are just there to make sure the catalyst is working Maybe I worded it wrong, but incomplete combustion = unburnt fuel = unburnt oxygen, the charge is saturated. I guess the name says it all though.
  14. It sees the ratio of air to fuel, that is why cat's do not effect measurement. If it sees the O2 is staying constantly rich(er) then normal, it will begin to compensate with the short trims, then it'll soon roll over to the long trims, slowly taking away fuel based on the long term trims. Chip a piston and drive it for 200 miles, you learn alot of data logging. It should hover around stoic, rich to lean, yadda yadda, but when you pop a piston, you can cleary see the uncombusted mixture (the output is not your typical sine wave pattern)
  15. MMMMmmmmm Keith, GM PCMs can only pull/add fuel dependent on trim +/-16.4%, after that they set a DTC. Spark Plugs with no electrodes...well...they don't...you know...fire? With over half the plugs down and out, I think its safe to say the computer would not be able to compensate for such an epic mechanical problem.
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