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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. There's no humor in that picture. Those birds had to fight hard to sit by my side!
  2. http://www.gyrfalcons.co.uk/birdsfriends/DSC00333.JPG
  3. Spray will not save you from graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  4. Now THATS funny graemlins/thumb.gif Class is adjourned EDIT... qoute editing SUCKS on this site </font> Your Personal torque rating : 0 You get a big ol graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  5. I will try and make it, as if..any of you...heartless...bastards...eve...sniff...sob sob...care graemlins/cry.gif
  6. Sorry, that was me. I just like to beat my wang till it bleeds everytime I race in construction zones.
  7. Megasquirt is a full blown engine management system, for almost any motor out there. Its writtin in high level so it is easily scalable to pretty much..well..anything. Not just a rom/tuning gui, it is everything. Cool little thing. Megasquirt II is a add on but packs a punch of new features(fuel and spark control, as well as IAC, awesome fueling) http://www.msefi.com/msinfo/ms2/ Megasquirt http://www.megasquirt.info/
  8. Nate1647545505


    I will attack, and you don't want that. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  9. Du be du be do... graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  10. Nate1647545505


  11. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  12. Such a terrible thing. We've killed their innocent, they kill ours. What a terrible situation this has become.
  13. Doesn't really effect HP, more of spool time; I guess that does effect HP in end all. Fluid moves faster when it is hotter. Keep the thermal heat hot and inside, it should move faster throughout the system. Wraping cast iron can crack, wrapping an aluminum may cause it to rust. There is a spray you can use over the wrap to counter that, though. I chose to go coated.
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