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Everything posted by Nate1647545505

  1. JP calls everyone's car a pig, just the way we talk up North. If you are going to rib someone, have to be willing to take one too. smile.gif
  2. Take it to MAG for an inspection, BMW has teired inspection levels, the basic I think, is still 99$, but it goes along way when putting down xx,xxx.
  3. Eggroll or one of the ECS guys didn't happen to send that to you?
  4. Eric, Are you running colder plugs gapped smaller? Is the bottle pressure > 900? Are the solenoids opening properly when the car is in on RUN with the system armed, when you goose it? I'm guessing this is on the 5.0?
  5. any keyboard will have a chip for buffering/timing. that however is fucked up.
  6. Mercedes bus engine, not a jet engine... graemlins/slap.gif </font> JATO, Jato, or jato (From jet-assisted take-off ). 1. A take-off utilizing an auxiliary jet-producing unit or units, usually rockets, for additional thrust. Hence JATO bottle, Jato unit , etc.; a rocket or unit so used. Where rockets are the auxiliary units, RATO (which see) is the more specific term. 2. A JATO bottle or unit; the complete auxiliary power system used for assisted take-off. read Andrew's post.
  7. bitch I ain't need your shit. I have a 99. hoe.
  8. Yup. Chris, get in touch with me, need to talk to you about tuning.
  9. Good Vid. Edited because I'm LEROOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYY JENKINS [ 14. June 2005, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: LEEEEROOY JENKINS ]
  10. Haha, yes you will get your race when I can drive the car longer for 10 minutes without findind a problem smile.gif Pm sent to ya, ya heard
  11. Thanks Eli for the tip. I shall try that. I'm ordering a new tensioner and belt just in case. Figure it can't hurt. PM sent, foo.
  12. Well, Among the 5000 bugs that are coming out of the wood work, is a loud as screeching noise (belt noise) My alternator decided to take a dump on me, so, replaced that using the alternator pulley that came with the remaned` unit. Now i have this terriblely loud belt screeching noise. It comes in and out idle, very appearent if I stab the gas. I figure something, maybe a tensioner is binding? The associate at NAPA wanted me to buy belt dressing when I bought the alternator? I figured it was just a sales pitch, maybe I'm wrong on that. The engine does slow down, like something is binding though. What say you experts of sie belts?
  13. volovs are like homosexuals. period.
  14. Alright, times up, lets do this!
  15. leeeeeeeeeeeeroyyyyyyyyyyyy jenkins!
  16. We GTP guys don't have the space to do it. Remember the blower sits right on the intake manifold, with the discharge pointing down, so trying to work out the piping to and from would be nothing short of a maricle. We are stuck with inserting a heat exchanger between the blower and the intake manifold.
  17. Scott, Like alot of people have said, a-w is for a track car or if you can't/don't have the space for an a-a type. Watar can absorb 4 times the amount of heat air can, but the big draw back I noticed was the water in the main heat exchanger (the one used for cooling) will always be slightly above ambient on day to day basis. A-A relys on the car's forward velocity, as you really don't hit boost standing still, well, for long periods of time. Sure if you're doing 1/4 miles passes with an a-w system, theres really no consideration of fluid mixture, just the coldest shit you can get in there. On daily driver basis, I found it was best to use a 25/75% mixture of tap water and dexcool coolant to fight evaporation and for ohio whether, but that lowerd the heat transfer coefficent. I'll just say I'm glad I'm not using that type of system anymore. An a-a system will always be superious (space and airflow permiting) to an a-w car on the street.
  18. hes sexy too. redface.gif (just messin)
  19. Nate1647545505

    Paypal scam

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