Some personal history:
I bought my first car, a 1989 Mekur XRT4i, from my brother for 1800$. It was the first engine I worked on, the first turbo I'd messed with, and the first EFI system I had studied. Overall she was a fun car, and had been in the family for 8 years before her death.
On an early spring morning, i decided it was time for her to go, go to a place of no return, go to...the yard. I had just bought my GTP and was ready to move on -- but I had no idea what was in store for this day.
Cliffs: first car, time to junk her after years of abuse.
So, we start with arrival at the junkyard, I hand over the title and receive 200$ for it. We walked outside to find something...odd
Hrmmm......maybe the radiator popped? Coolant hose torqued off from all of the power?
Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it's not stopping......
Something epic is about to happen.......
Epicness achieved.
Wondering what the hell happened to this side of the car? Me too.
Our tax dollars finally showing up.
The End.