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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. Thanks for the education session.
  2. I'd leave it hanging for a few weeks (after gutting it, of course), especially as cold/cool as it's been. It'll be more tender when you do finally eat it, and it gives you awhile to find someone to properly butcher it.
  3. Buckeye (Vance's East) Outdoors has a few brands to pick from.
  4. This fucking guy.... ...has good suggestions. 452 or find an Annie.
  5. Ok. Here are a few of my suggestions. -If all you plan on shooting is 100-300yd, I would stick with .223. It's much cheaper to shoot, and you'll get the same effect. You're wasting money on .308 if that's all the distance you plan on shooting, unless you're just buying it for the cool factor. -A bipod is it? I'd buy a Savage > Remmy if I was planning on keeping the internals stock. The accutrigger shits all over the X-Mark Pro trigger. -If you don't have any experience, I definitely wouldn't buy a .308 to start out with. You're throwing away money. Hell, I wouldn't even start out with a .223. Nobody ever listens to me when I say this, but I'd start out with a rimfire to get the basics down. It's cheaper, and you can spend all day at the range practicing. Granted, it doesn't have the 'wow' factor, but you'll learn more.
  6. Here's a few questions I have: -How far do you, realistically, plan on shooting? -Will you be modding the weapon at all, or are you going to leave it box stock? -Do you have any experience with precision shooting?
  7. BRB. Calling Lee Harvey Oswald.
  8. Another broad, unanswerable question. Standard answers: -Remington 700 (pick your flavor; 700p is the 'tactical' model) -Savage model 10 (accutrigger = factory win) Scopes...ha! You've got a million options here. Start researching. What are your intentions for the gun? Budget? BTW, you want something chambered in .308 Winchester. 7.62 NATO is a lower pressure version of .308win.
  9. There was something wrong with this one. I thought about trying to scare him into the grass, but decided to just shoot him when I had the chance. Haha. No. I grabbed my .17 at first, but then decided to grab my .22 instead so I didn't make such a mess. Irony.
  10. What a fucking mess. :mad: http://i48.tinypic.com/2llkcnc.jpg
  11. Never tried them, but they look like shit.
  12. Just trying to help a brotha' out.
  13. Magpul does have the new LR20 mags, for DPMS variant .308's.
  14. -Find gun you want. -purchase online -Check to see if seller has your chosen FFL on file. -If they don't, contact your FFL to have them send their info. -Seller receives info, ships gun to FFL. -FFL receives it, notifys you. -You go to FFL, fill out a typical 4473 form. -Pay FFL their transfer fee (typically $20-50 in Ohio) -Take gun.
  15. This is the minimum quality round that I'd run through a new .308 AR. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp;?id=0003715212964a&navCount=1&podId=0003715&parentId=cat20839&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat20712-cat20839&catalogCode=IK&rid=&parentT
  16. I generally use them for things that Vance's doesn't have in stock. It works well for me.
  17. You wanting surplus for dirty plinking? Anti-people ammo? Precision ammo?
  18. -Differences = They're not the same gun. -Similarities = They both shoot .308-based catridges.
  19. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1103478&postcount=18
  20. I've bought a bunch of stuff through them. They're GTG.
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