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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. So do I. And I'm pretty sure you can, if you could find one. Destructive Device, NFA and all that...
  2. So because you can't think of a reason that it personally benefits you, you're ok with banning them? Got it. I no longer race, so I can't find a reason for having a car that goes over 65mph. We should ban them and make it illegal to mod them to go faster than that. Trust me, it'll save lives. You're OK with that, right?
  3. Aren't ~75% of all homicides committed with a pistol? Why aren't we going after those? Answer: we aren't, yet. Lets get the 'scary' ones off the street that contribute to <1% of homicides, because that makes perfect sense.
  4. Thank you. I can't fucking stand it every time I hear Hitlery get on stage and talk about the NRA lobbying like its something no citizen wants. BREAKING NEWS: It's funded by your own citizens, you dumb bitch.
  5. How about a Merc SLK? My moms got one and loves it. Retractable hardtop. 6 speed. RWD. And peppy, but not really fast.
  6. These F'n politicians just don't get it. <4% of all homicides are committed with a rifle (not specifically the AR-15), yet they're the problem? Horse. Shit. Ask Britain today how those gun bans are working out... Morons.
  7. Oh, I know. I think there's a grey area in there that education falls under, but I wouldn't want to test it. Its just not worth it. Not to mention the paperwork that's probably involved. And pictures are a big (HIPAA) no-no. Like I said though, if anyone's got questions about GSW management, feel free to ask. No CR fieldtrip, though. Lol.
  8. Lol. Not really. If you guys were in nursing school (or thinking about it) I could probably swing it. But HIPAA would probably make it difficult to get civilians in who just want to learn about GSWs. If you have any questions though, feel free to throw them my way.
  9. Then wouldn't the prudent thing to do be to fix the actual problem instead of further stepping on your citizens' Rights? It seems our current NICS system (as well as many others things, I'm sure) would be much more effective if these agencies would just communicate with one another. A wound heals best from the inside out; not by slapping another Band-Aid on it. That kind of half-ass shit just leads to more infection.
  10. Come hang out with me on a Friday or Saturday night in the ICU at Grant. I'll teach you all about GSWs. We've got plenty. Sun's out, Gun's out.
  11. What ever happened to those wrist leashes my parents used to put on me as a kid?
  12. I'm not quite sure how he has became popular, but I don't find Andy Samberg to be the least bit funny.
  13. Cliffs on the scandal? I never did follow it.
  14. Forget the batteries. Chug three bottles of magnesium citrate. Its got all the electrolytes you need for the whole year. Trust me.
  15. Buy a bluetooth keyboard for $20 and use that. I did and it works great. I mostly use Exodus for shows and movies, and LiveMix for streaming every channel imaginable. I bought my first stick unlocked off EBay for ~$55. I'll be buying a FireTV next and doing it myself. Doesn't look too hard.
  16. BTW, round count? scratches? dings? rust?
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