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Dr. Pomade

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Posts posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. This was pretty epic;


    "Son, we live in a conference that has athletic budgets, and those athletic budgets have to be balanced by schools who go to major bowls and turn on cable boxes. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Purdue? Ohio State has a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for the Hoosiers, and you curse the Buckeyes. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that Hoosier losses, while tragic, probably balance budgets; and Ohio State's existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, balances your budget.


    You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about during basketball season you want us in that playoff-- you need us in that playoff.


    We use letterss like "O" and "H" and "I" and "O" again. We use these letters as the backbone of a life spent building something. You use them as a punch line.


    I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a university whose athletic department rises and balances its books under the blanket of the very revenue that we provide and then questions the manner in which we provide it.


    I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you fill up your stadium and go to some major bowls. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think IU is entitled to!"


    This is pure genius - dude killed it.


    And, for the record, that scene is likely one of the top 5 monologues/parts of all time.

  2. List looks right. Who's your last two in the top 10?


    9. Who cares

    10. Irrelevant


    Honestly, it likely doesn't matter, because I don't consider any other teams out there in realistic contention for the playoff at this moment. However, if I had to round out the top 10, I'd probably say:


    9. Wisconsin (even though I don't think they really are very good at all)

    10. Texas AM (isn't good either and I think any decent team would curb stomp them)

  3. Louisville shouldn't fall too far in the polls and will continue to be in the discussion for the playoff. Wisconsin won't, though. Which kind of reinforces the point I made a few pages back -- it's usually regarded as acceptable to lose in a shootout, but not in a low scoring, defensive battle. The Louisville/Clemson game was exciting, and the Michigan/Wisconsin game was boring. Both away teams just narrowly lost. But watch - Louisville will still hover around the top 5 - hell, they may only swap spots with Clemson in the polls - and Wisconsin will nose dive. And, BTW, both Louisville and Clemson looked downright sloppy at times. I think there were about 19 turnovers in that game.
  4. Btw when was the last time the Big XII played defense? Serious question. Even Texas 2005 gave up a lot of points, didn't they? I can't remember the last really good defensive team from that league. Maybe Nebraska from mid 1990s (though that was Big 8, right?).
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