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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Also for what it's worth Michigan hasn't looked like top 5 team either. I think there's a good amount of Kool Aid still swirling in that punch bowl.
  2. Clemson hasn't really impressed me. They have a lot of good looking players but they come across as sluggish and cautious and a bit disinterested - kind of like Ohio State last year. Deshawn has got to be counting down the days until he is the first name called on draft day. Stanford and Tennessee really haven't done anything to justify a top 10 ranking. Stanford has looked fairly pedestrian. Tennessee finally showed up against a Florida team without a QB and nearly managed to lose that one too. Texas AM looked pretty good last night. That one defensive end (Garrett, I think is his name) was all world. The had a goal line stand last night for like 5 downs in a row and just kept stuffing the Fighting Fat Bielemas right in their Piggy faces. A+
  3. Hey look that highly ranked Georgia team is awful. Tell me if you've heard this story before...
  4. So if you score a bunch your efficient, but if your opponent scores very little it might be because they suck? By that reasoning, couldn't it be that a team that scores a bunch only did so because the other team's defense sucked? I think you're proving my point: people will value a loss more when there were more points scored than if they don't. You've reasoned that the high-scoring team at least did something right, but still question whether the low scoring team did anything competently. Also, I'd rather watch a high scoring game too. Bama-LSU was a snoozefest of epic proportions. Oddly, that's about the only time I can remember people going gaga over such a low-scoring game, but I attribute that to ESPN and their pro-SEC agenda.
  5. BTW, something I've noticed and really like about Meyer's teams: they embrace the magnitude of certain games and acknowledge how important they are, how big of a stage it is, etc. Like for the Oklahoma game, the players were all like, "Yup, this is a huge game. It's Oklahoma, it's in prime time, everyone's watching, it will have big ramifications for the playoff," and so forth. I really like that. In contrast, for those of you old enough to remember, Cooper's teams seemed aversive to the spotlight. When I think about it, I wonder if they were that way because it was a reflection of Cooper's mentality, kind of workmanlike, an "aw shucks we're just here to play a game" kind of approach. Cooper had gobs of NFL talent, but he kind of treated his teams like mini-NFL teams: took out the emotion, everyone was just there to do a job, no game was bigger necessarily than the others, etc. I think this is why he lost so many Michigan games and bowl games, as his teams were just too emotionally flat. Emotions don't really factor in that much at the NFL level, but they can be pretty significant at the college level. Just my .02, and kind of thinking out loud.
  6. While it defies logic, losing early is far better than losing late. I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is. It's why way back in 1998 we didn't get to play for the NC then either - because of a late loss to an inferior Mich State squad. Also defying logic, it's far better to lose a high scoring game than a low scoring one. You lose a game 55-54 and everyone thinks it's a great loss despite the fact you gave up 55 points; you lose 10 to 9 and you suck despite the fact you only gave up one TD. I don't get it, but that's the way it is.
  7. Dear Lauren,


    I love your new name.



    Dr. Pomade

  8. LOL, no, though, I don't see him around that much anymore. Then again, I don't really watch the lead-in CFB shows anymore. I stopped watching GameDay when it stopped being overblown, scripted and dumb, which was about 15 years ago.
  9. That's Dr. Pomade to you, Lauren.
  10. I agree, Lauren would be fitting. Am I going back to Johnny Bravo? Or perhaps one of these: Johnny Abs Johnny Triceps Hair Product I Hate Verne and Gary
  11. Now taking suggestions for both jive's new screen name and mine. Begin.
  12. No but Brandon did. Yell at him. And bask in my glory.
  13. This was really solid. Not bad. I mean you're no me but no one except me is.
  14. I really do make this look easy. Like Noah Brown easy.
  15. Though I'd love for this score to stay and look like a badass prognosticator I'd like to see us hang 50+ on them
  16. I love that it is now a legitimate way to refer to Ohio State.
  17. Seriously That's pretty much exactly it
  18. LOL Gus Johnson just ended the half by saying the score and then just saying "THE"
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