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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. But, oddly, it didn't stop you from going ahead and telling me. I'm beginning to see a trend here.
  2. We lived in some condos in Hilliard a few years ago. We shared a fairly large, common area with several neighbors who lived in nearby units. Throughout the spring and summer, that area basically turned into a big social gathering. All the kids would play while all the adults would sip their favorite beverages, chat, grill out, share food, etc. It was this really great sense of community. We absolutely loved it.
  3. So, I shouldn't listen to his opinion, but I should listen to yours? Just want to make sure my notes on this are accurate, Captain POD. Please continue.
  4. I hear you. There are a ton of things that can factor in.
  5. Are you shitting on me or am I just reading this wrong? Serious question.
  6. Same here. When I read the first part of this thread, my takeaway was this: Is the Geeto guy acting as though he is pretty much on the same level as a Supreme Court justice? I wasn't sure if I should laugh or kind of feel sorry for how dreadfully narcissistic that was.
  7. Good for you for taking your time, doing a lot of showings, and making sure you find something that you really want and will be satisfied with. I feel you on all those things you mentioned. At one point, we were into buying cheaper and then remodeling, and then determined that we just aren't into living through the hassle of remodeling. Some people are, and, if you can live with it, I think it can work out great financially, aesthetically, etc. However, our lifestyle just wasn't conducive to remodeling. When we looked at new/er builds, we found that a lot of them were in newly developed neighborhoods, like Jerome Village. While those neighborhoods were great - great homes, good locations, etc. - we just couldn't get over the "cookie cutter" look of many of them and the fact that you pay so much money and so little to zero land/yard. We finally determined that we wanted something a bit more unique, custom, and with more land. Well, the only way you are going to get that is to pay a shit ton of money in a developed area that we wanted to live in (Powell, Dublin, UA, etc.)...or move out to the country. So, it was like, yeehaw bitches, Plain City here we come. And, really, it isn't that far out - basically off Cosgray Road and 161 (Post Road). Give it about 10 years, and I'm certain it will be developed suburbia out there. Hell, they are in the process of putting in a Costco like a mile (as the crow flies) from our place; that's pretty much a sure sign of a coming suburban onslaught. And I did mention that our taxes are about 1/4th to 1/5th of what they would be in Powell, Dublin, UA, or, hell, even Columbus city proper? In any event, good luck with your home search. I am a fan of people searching for a new place to live, as it's exciting. And I'm always intrigued to hear what people like and what they prefer and what they look for in a home.
  8. Thanks again for the kind words. Absolutely, my good man. Ashley is due in April. We didn't move into the new house until October. I'll let you do the math and then bask in the glory of your predictive power. It's actually much more modest than the Victorian Village home. Smaller in terms of square footage, but much more usable for the family and a floor plan that is more conducive to our current likes, needs, etc. It's more custom, and a lot newer - both things we wanted to go with as well. I know the feeling, sailor. How is your home search going?
  9. Thanks for the compliments, guys. I wish. Yeah, we're basically on the border of Dublin and Hilliard. Not too far out at all, really.
  10. Our previous home in Victorian Village is for sale. We moved to our new home in the Plain City area because we wanted more land (which is obviously tough to come by in the Victorian Village area). Here are links to the listing: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/432-W-5th-Ave-Columbus-OH-43201/33941366_zpid/ http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/432-W-5th-Ave_Columbus_OH_43201_M36628-49509 http://www.trulia.com/property/3056817774-432-W-5th-Ave-Columbus-OH-43201 It is located in Dennison Park Place, which consists of six other, similarly-sized homes. Dennison Park Place is centered around a shared courtyard and is gated. Dennison Park Place is located in The Circles portion of Victorian Village. It's a historic area of the city. The background on the house is pretty cool. A couple decades ago, Battelle wanted to expand their grounds and, to do so, bought up a portion of The Circles. In compensation for destroying a portion of The Circles to make way for their new construction, Battelle took the six best homes from that immediate area and paid to have them moved up 5th Avenue. They literally picked up the homes and moved them up 5th Avenue. The six homes that were relocated formed the current six homes that are at Dennison Park Place. It was called the "Renaissance Project." When they moved the homes, the laid all new foundations and installed all new electrical, plumbing, etc. So, our home has a decent size basement in it - and not like the typical basements you get in Victorian Village homes where it's all cramped and dungeony. Our house was build in 1920, but the plumbing, electrical, etc. is all from like 1989 or whenever they moved the house and restored it. This was a selling point for us, as we liked that we could get the 1920's build/architecture/charm/style without all the 1920's problems. The home has a two-car garage as well as an additional spot next to the garage. So, you get three parking spaces with the home, which is kind of a big deal, since parking in Victorian Village is a hot commodity. Also, if you are having a party and need a lot of parking space, Dennison Park Place has an arrangement with Battelle to use their parking lot with advanced notice. Battelle is right across the street. This home is technically located at the corner of W 5th Avenue and Battelle. I sometimes wondered how awesome it would be to work at Battelle; my commute would be about 500 steps. While it's a 5th Avenue address, the area is very quiet. I think this is because we are in a courtyard and not technically facing the street. Also, because it's gated, we never had strangers or solicitors in courtyard. It's within walking distance of the Short North as well as Grandview Heights, so there is plenty to do with respect to dining, nightlife, etc. Also, it's a prime location for Ohio State game days - you are close enough that you can just walk to Ohio Stadium, but, oddly, we never got any drunken idiots wandering through our space. Win/win as far as I'm concerned. The list price for the home is $649,900. We are willing to sell this without the use of realtors; if we can work that out, we'd reduce the price of the home significantly (like by tens of thousands of dollars). Realtor fees are so damn high - if I can find a buyer without the use of one, then that would result in a sizable cost savings. Also, I'll pay $1000 to anyone who finds a buyer for the home. Meaning, you refer someone and they buy the house, I'll give you $1000. Please let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to reach me directly on my cell at 614-325-5970.
  11. People sometimes forget the role that psychology plays in performance. In theory, losing a lot of starters/production sounds awful. But what if your starters know they are studs that are just biding time before a huge paycheck at the next level and really don't put forth max effort? And what if you're a backup to those studs and can't wait to get your chance to start and go max effort all the time so that you make a case for you being deserving of a big paycheck at the next level? Just something to think about.
  12. Agreed. I think it's a testament to Miller's athletic ability that he was able to play QB as well as what he was. I think about him the same way I think about Michael Vick: Vick was just such an extraordinarily gifted athlete that he could play QB with some proficiency even though he probably shouldn't have been a QB.
  13. Not only nice skills, but I noticed that he is jawing at both of the DBs. I'm not sure why, but that stuck me as different, I guess. I didn't know Braxton was like that? Maybe he is and I didn't see it before. Or maybe it's just really competitive down there and that's how it is. I kind of like to see the fire/intensity in a player.
  14. I think we will look back and wonder how the fuck Ohio State managed to lose to Michigan State will all of the talent they had at their disposal. I'm really happy to hear Braxton garnering stellar reviews.
  15. This pic shouldn't be buried and left behind on page 5. Well played on many fronts, my good man. Well played indeed. Edit: Marc beat me to it; great-looking, intelligent men think alike, it seems.
  16. http://www.dogbreedplus.com/dog_breeds/images/miniature_schnauzer.jpg
  17. I laughed when he said he didn't want an agenda pushed on his kids and Christianity in the same breath.
  18. I'm a native to this city and have never once heard a bad thing about Worthington. Like ever. Taxes in all three will be relatively high. I've heard people complain about the commute to New Albany - not because it's far, but because of the relatively dense traffic in rush hour. Schools in all three have a great reputation. Of course, your high taxes pay for them. If you're looking in those areas, but not completely wedded to one of those three, then you might expand your search to include Powell, Lewis Center, and further north into Delaware County. Lots of new, nice developments in those areas, and probably a bit cheaper on your taxes.
  19. I had to spray to win. I'll take the bottle out and we can go again.
  20. The guys in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen did not drive a Bugatti.
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