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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. 1. Celica 2. Car from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 3. Car from Speed Racer but painted black 4. Miata 5. Car from Back to the Future 6. Batmobile 7. McClaren 8. Volkswagon 9. 1989 Toyota Supra 10. Chevy Cobalt
  2. Yup, it's still a popularity contest when it comes down to it and, thus, largely subjective. Eight would be better than four, though.
  3. Then explain to me how Alabama won the NC in 2011. Alabama didn't win their conference, let alone their own division. They lost at home -and failed in epic fashion, managing to score all of 6 points - in the biggest game of that season. Go on, we can't wait for your explanation.
  4. Lose at home early, go to playoff. Lost at home late, go to Fiesta Bowl. Sigh. Alabama gets the benefit of the doubt and will continue to get the benefit of the doubt. Alabama should also be glad they had to play Michigan State and not Ohio State.
  5. I'm proud to say that my wife, daughter and I have watched the diabetus cat vine repeatedly and laughed to the point of tears.
  6. Sounds about what I'd expect out of him.
  7. I don't have a dog in the fight, which means I can say whatever I want with impunity and everyone must agree that I am right. Bengals deserved to lose the game. Blaming refs for a loss is such a beta move. Steelers trolled the fuck out of the Bengals and essentially goaded them into imploding. Burfect is a moron; you shouldn't even touch Antonio Brown in that situation, let alone blast him like he did. Who was that Bengals' running back who fumbled - what's that clown's name? Not important. I blame the organization and Marvin Lewis; you have questionable characters out on the field who allowed their emotions to dictate the outcome of the game, and you have a coach who allows volatile personalities to show and didn't have enough sense or authority to tell the running back "hey, go down at first sign of contact; can't have a fumble here" and to tell the defense "hey, play smart here; refs are out to get us, so play it conservative and keep your heads."
  8. Should have been 1st. And I know where he didn't get a lot of his carries...against Michigan State 2015. That's the point he's making.
  9. ITT you will all give me a compliment and discuss my bowl mania prowess. Begin.
  10. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  11. $50 lesson learned; pay better attention to your money. Buy a money clip and move on. I would not have said anything to the guy either. Better to stay silent and allow the old man to think he just got lucky rather than open your mouth to announce you can't competently manage your own money.
  12. You found the right guy in your search - Derek DeBrosse is top notch.
  13. Thanks for all the input. I have what I need, so this thread can be closed. Or keep it open and we can discuss the virtues of knife fighting as a negotiating tactic.
  14. Made the R1 look like it was towing a boat.
  15. I appreciate you not going the extreme dick route with me. I honestly forget that we have the search feature. Point taken. Though, given that I'm so lazy as to not do simple patch work on some drywall, I'm likely too lazy to do a search as well...
  16. Yeah, a little of both - I don't have the time, and I don't really have the desire. Admittedly, I feel a little silly posting up asking for someone to do those things. It's almost like I posted up, "Need someone to pick up my paper at the end of the driveway and maybe check my mail." However, I feel like everyone wins if I have someone else do it. So, I totally understand where you're coming from. Yes, those things are pretty simple. I still would like someone else to do them. Also, I'd like to find someone that I can use for other stuff in the future. So, while this stuff is simple, it will also help me gauge the worth of the handyman so that the might be used on future tasks, if that makes sense.
  17. Same here. In fact, I think you're kind of dumb if you don't leave for the draft and you're projected to go in the top three rounds. Case and point: Cardale Jones.
  18. Jive, I like your style. And this is why I think there's hope for you yet. Everyone, want to do Saturday, 1-16-16?
  19. Yup. I may have a need for additional services in the future, but, for now, that's it.
  20. I'm in search of a reputable handyman. There are a few odds and ends that are needed at my old house, like patching a couple of small holes and some relatively minor painting. I've used a few handymen in recent years, but they haven't proven to be the most reliable, so I'm in the market for a new one. Does anyone have any suggestions? I figured I'd start here before expanding my search to Google or Angie's List or wherever else you find a handyman.
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