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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  2. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83653&highlight=HAOLE
  3. True, but I think Clay is just saying he's a fan of your posts.
  4. Kenny was always great because he never typed over two or three sentences at a time. Like Clay said, the best are those that don't have to say all that much. Phil is in the discussion. That mega-call out he had a few weeks ago was great. (It might be in the running for CR Best Post of All Time?)
  5. When the whole "The Decision" came about, I was fairly neutral about LeBron. I'm not really a Cavs fan, I didn't really care about him leaving, though the way he did it made me raise by eyebrows a bit. Now, though, I'm firmly convinced he's a douche. In the past year - based on what he's said and how he's acted - I've formed the impression that he's childish, egotistical, self-entitled, whiny, and a bit lazy. I was glad to see Dallas win (see Dirk Nowitski for how an NBA player should act - with complete class) and happy to see the Miami Lebron's lose.
  6. So, V8Beast's recent post got me thinking about a "Best of CR" series. Since we're men (well, most of us anyway), we naturally like lists and ranking things. So, who's on your list of best e-warriors in the history of CR? Here's mine: Kenny (will always be the best, IMO) Hal JP (coltboostin) Eli (Mensan) DJ (Orion) Honorable Mentions: Supra Mark (never around CR anymore) The Truth (also not around anymore) Ken (iwishiwascool, isn't around anymore either) Other "Best of CR" lists to follow. But I figured e-battlers was a good place to start, considering I'm posting this in The Kitchen.
  7. Side bar: I've been involved in cases wherein there's a question whether it's a suicide or an accidental death that occurred during the act of autoerotic asphyxiation. It seems it's relatively easy to accidentally kill yourself using some means of autoerotic asphyxiation - especially when you aren't exactly a genius like most of these guys who accidentally kill themselves. In one case, a guy had a fantasy of being hanged. So, he would re-enact this scenario like he was being led to the gallows and hanged. He'd put the hood over his head and tie his hands (in front of him) and everything. He'd put the noose around his neck and then lean forward to asphyxiate himself. He videotaped himself doing this and then would watch it later (and masturbate again to it). However, Genius Gallows here doesn't quite think through his "safety valve" on his rope, which gets knotted up one time after he loses consciousness and goes limp. He essentially hanged himself - which I'm certain pleased the Darwinian Irony Gods to no end. Best part, he videotaped his own death, so we got to see it. OOPS, LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE FORGOT TO NOT BE AN IDIOT
  8. With a firearm. Those other things are used for roping stuff, paper clipping, and playing ping pong.
  10. Farkas is definitely in it to win it. I didn't know he had these e-battle skillz. I'm pleasantly surprised.
  11. You're right about Kevin R.'s graphs being > Mr. Schnauzie. Kevin R's graphs are pretty much greater than all. You're wrong about the eyebrows, though. Oddly, a lot of girls ask me if they're plucked, too. I wonder what all that means? :masturboy: I like that you came out swinging - but you pretty much just called out the entire thread. Not sure how this can end well...
  12. Holy fuck, that was awesome. Doesn't get much better than that, folks. P.S. I'm not sure if Brian (V8Beast) has ever changed his name, but I'm fairly sure DJ (Orion) hasn't - at least since I've been on the board (2003). I didn't want that little bit of irony to be lost in all of this.
  13. Mind blown. Seriously, do you think they realize the significance of this? You triple posting in a thread about me - in a reverse sequence move no less - is the kind of thing that makes Stephen Hawking's head explode. Masterful. *applause*
  14. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/Ashleyscamerapictures3329.jpg
  15. WHY U JELLY? http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/LittleLeChachi-1.jpg
  16. <3 Taking mirror pic for you as we speak BRB
  17. Well played, my friend. I'll offer this in return: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/schnauzie-no.jpg
  18. This has win written all over it. Brian, you've completely outdone yourself. :fuckyeah: Completely brilliant.
  19. It's been forever since I heard the phrase "mean mug." Well played.
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