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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Am I the only one who thought it was staged? Granted, I'm always calling shit fake, but it just seemed a little too - I don't know - canned to me. Admittedly, I didn't watch the entire video, either - I stopped after the one cop in the bicycle helmet (with no bicycle around) grabbed the guy in the white shirt, bodyslammed him, and screamed "last warning!" (Seemed his last last warning would have been given before le bodyslam, but who am I to critique police procedure?)
  2. Really? Definitely agree to disagree on that one, I think. First, the lines on the Supra are pretty sick, especially when the stance/set-up is right. Second, I really don't like the lines on the LFA at all. Too boxy, especially in the ass end.
  3. Define "best car." Because I'd think you could make an argument that the MKIV Supra is a "better" car than this one, considering all the things that have been accomplished with the Supra.
  4. Two very nice looking cars. Congratulations on having them and keep them looking good. :fuckyeah:
  5. Putty, thanks for posting this up. The LFA to me is "meh," I guess. I certainly wouldn't buy mine in yellow. Then again, not my money.
  6. http://images.fok.nl/upload/070912_118602_game13-09-2007.JPG
  7. I'd think going by rankings would work. Provided, you'd probably need to grant someone the authority to rank everyone that's entered - which would be simple enough - and then you have a bracket, like NCAA tourney style. We'd just need to decide how many to allow in. I'd think 8 to 10 would suffice? Or maybe even 14 to 16? Anything more than that and it might be too much.
  8. Good point. Maybe it shouldn't be number of posts, but a set amount of time. Like, two days or something. You start the clock and the battle begins. For two days the two e-battlers post as much (or little) as they like. During that time, the rest of CR can vote on whoever they think should advance. Once the time period is up, then voting closes and so does posting by the e-battlers. The person with the most votes advances.
  9. Haha, how would you determine a winner? By popular vote?
  10. You chided the veteran members in this thread, accusing them of blowing things out of proportion. What did you think would happen? That people would say, "Oh, YellowBalt's right. He posts a bunch in the LOL thread and likes to lurk and read about IPS. Clearly we're out of line here, guys - let's back off a bit." Seriously, come on.
  11. Seriously, that's what I'm wondering? This thread isn't much different than what happens all the time. I fail to see the carnage.
  12. Pro Tip: People liked you more when no one knew you existed. Resume lurking. This "I'll save the poor noobs!" bit is not working.
  13. It doesn't mean everything, but it means more than nothing. It gives some indication of how active you've been on the site and how much you've contributed (at least in quantity, granted not so much in quality). If you've been on since 2007 and only have 6 posts, then it suggests you've contributed very little. So, you won't be surprised when other, more "veteran" members here take exception with you passing judgment - especially when you act as though your opinion is somehow dispositive.
  14. Nights where six years ago? Be specific - because I was out six years ago, and I can tell you that plenty of races were going on.
  15. All the while holding a pocket-knife in a menacing manner.
  16. 1. Posting shit on CR - like videos - is an invitation for criticism. It's an assumed risk. 2. Posting quasi-lame videos - like the one that was posted - will invoke criticism. 3. They got criticized. 4. Then they got pissy over it. Bad move. 5. All the e-battling ensued. So don't wag your fucking finger at us and act like we just ran in and started curb-stomping some halpless noob.
  17. Maybe people are inflating Eli's exploits because CR as a whole tends to err on the side of hyperbole? Or maybe, in retrospect, things are being inflated because a good portion of members of this site like the idea that Rick left disgraced, considering what kind of person he was and how much of dick he acted like on a regular basis. I'll be the first to say my objectivity of the situation is likely compromised because of my dislike for Rick.
  18. The gist is that Rick got bitch-slapped again and that always makes me laugh. Like I said, he deserved everything he got.
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