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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. +1 I usually just hit the spray when I encounter potholes. Sure, I usually put a hole in my #7 piston, but fuck I fly over those potholes like nobody's bizznezz.
  2. Your post made me think of the Cleveland Tourism videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&feature=related No ill-will intended. These might be reposts - regardless, they're pretty funny.
  3. I also forgot to mention that another thing that was annoying about Urban Active was all of the cameras and reporters and documentary people following me around the gym and drooling and swooning and passing out everytime I would finish a set and flex in the mirror when I got my pump on. That and when I would have to stop between sets and to allow women to pleasure me.
  4. P.S. Putty, I found your original post funny/clever.
  5. Geez, it's a fucking movie. Jesse is spot on: if you're thinking the value of this movie is in its plot, then you're retarded. Sometimes I think some of you just need to get laid more often so you'll stop whining about stupid shit.
  6. I considered joining Urban Active. I went to the one in Hilliard for a week (over last summer) and was disappointed for many of the reasons you cited - like it was waaaay too packed. Seriously, there had to have been 4,967 trainers alone. I don't do cardio per se, so I didn't care about the treadmill situation, but if I did I would have been disappointed about that too, considering how crowded those were as well. In the end, Urban Active, while a nice facility, didn't score high enough in the areas that mattered to me to justify a (pricey) switch from Lifestyle Fitness. (BTW, I know, Lifestyle is the suxors, but that's a different thread topic.)
  7. LOL, did someone say "He'll be back" at the end?
  8. I used to smoke, tried many years to quit without much success, and then finally quit with the aide of medication (i.e., buproprion, which is generic for Wellbutrin/Zyban). I've also done a fair amount of reading on smoking cessation and know a bit about the physiology and psychology related to nicotine. So, I'll type what comes to mind here and hope it's worthwhile. Research indicates that those who successfully quit smoking actually try and fail to quit smoking several times before actually successfully to quit for good. In other words, statistics say that, if you've tried to quit smoking and failed, you're in good company, as the path to successfully quitting is littered with multiple, unsuccessful attempts. Nicotine is an exceptionally addictive substance from a physiological perspective. Pound-for-pound, some research ranks nicotine as being as addictive, if not more so, than crack cocaine and heroin, two of the more infamous heavyweight drugs. Some people who smoke are more susceptible to the physiology of nicotine, whereas others are less susceptible. This means, in other words, some people will be more "addicted" physically to smoking than others. Some people contend that smoking is "all in your mind" and quitting is simply a matter of willpower. Those people are idiots and don't know what they're talking about. Sure, some people can smoke a ton and just quit whenever they feel like it and seem to have no problems with smoking cessation - good for them. That doesn't mean quitting smoking is as easy for everyone else as it is for them. Those who are highly susceptible to nicotine physiologically may require pharmacotherapy to assist them in quitting. This is where things like nicotine gum, the patches, and pills (like the aforementioned buproprion) come into play. Don't hesitate to ask your treating physician about these treatment options - they may be exactly what you need to eventually quit. There are, of course, several psychological factors to consider in smoking cessation. One of the things that was most prominent for me was the "void" created when I quit smoking. Think about it: when you smoke, your life revolves around cigarettes. I loved smoking when I first got up in the morning, and it was usually one of the last things I did before bed. I smoked after every meal. I definitely got my smoke on after sex. About every hour on the hour, I'd have to find time to have a cigarette (or else I'd start to experience withdrawal symptoms - nervousness, distractibility, etc.). I'd smoke whenever I drove. And smoking was ALWAYS there when I'd drink or party. In essence, smoking is firmly entrenched in your life, and, when you give that up, there's a fairly massive void that is left in its wake. For me, when I quit smoking, it was like I broke up with a girl that I had dated for a really long time: a girl who was, let's say, awesome in bed, was there in all the good times and bad, but ultimately just not good for me in the long run. So, in a way, quitting smoking can kind of feel sad. So, anticipate the void, embrace it a bit, and then quickly set about finding new things to occupy your time. It's not really that hard - we're creatures of habit, so give yourself a new habit to fill the psychological void and, after a few days, the void should be filled. I hope this helps. I may write more as it comes to me. In any event, there are my two cents.
  9. Wow, a few reactions to this thread: 1. That's just absolutely insane. I'm getting weirded out thinking about what it must be like rising up above the fucking EARTH in a fucking balloon, let alone jumping out and heading back down. The videos of him look so surreal it's almost creepy. 2. Jesse, mad props for the informational, well-written posts. I'm getting my learn on reading your shit.
  10. Dr. Pomade


    Wow you talk real tough on the Internet but I dare you to come here and say that to my face! I've trained Affliction for twelve years and have worked my way up to Blue Falcon status. I am the baddest man alive - villages in African paint murals of me as their god.
  11. Dr. Pomade


    BWAHAHA - I didn't even see this the first time. *applause*
  12. Dr. Pomade


  13. Took a screenshot of this thread and showed it to my girlfriend. She immediately called over two of her hot female friends and we all had sex. That's how fucking awesome this introductory post is. Thank you, OP, for the hook up.
  14. Did anyone else really like that commerical from Radio Shack for the Tom Tom that feature Santa talking to his reindeer in this really monotone, un-Santa like voice? The one where he was like, "Okay, so we're just going to turn in circles all night? Rudolph, take us somewhere. To someone's house. We've got just one night. We've got just one night." I wish they still aired that commerical, kind of like you're still displaying your Christmas lights. The end.
  15. Dr. Pomade


    There would never be a more awesome time for someone to post up the smiley of the little whistling guy that walks into the room and then slowly backs out while looking back and forth....
  16. First, Coltboostin is legendary. He probably went from one of - if not THE most hated person on CR - to a fairly well respected member, especially by those who have met him in person. For some interesting reads, go to the archives and check out the threads from a few years ago - anytime JP posted it was like throwing gasoline on a fire. Second, I've admittedly been largely absent from CR and the scene lately. There are probably a few reasons for that: I've been exceptionally busy with my work and I don't really have a car to speak of. Since I don't frequent CR much nowadays, I can't speak to the quality of the site, but my sense is that some people aren't happy with the direction it's taken. That's nothing new - regardless of what's going on, someone, somewhere, will be on a keyboard bitching about something wrong with CR. Third, I'll readily admit that I very much miss those "old days." So, yeah, I'm with you JP, though I'm not sure I can do much to change things at this point. Text me when you're next in town, though - we'll go hit up a club or six. Fourth, my cheekbones are the hotness and my hair still looks great. Some things nevaaaar change....
  17. That Cobra is fucking cleeean. Heart it.
  18. Of course ABC didn't show what was happening...
  19. I think they just said that McCoy will not be back for the second half. This is the football equivalent of the space shuttle Challenger disaster.
  20. Uh, shovel pass intercepted and run in for a TD by Alabama with all of three seconds left in the half. When people say "worst case scenario," they mean what's happening to Texas right now.
  21. This is not looking good at all from Texas. Alabama just scored by running straight up the middle - it seemed eerily similar to the play that Saine from OSU scored against Texas last year in the Fiesta Bowl. Anyway, with McCoy out, I was thinking Texas could stay in it by playing lights-out defense, but Alabama is shredding them now.
  22. And now it looks like Texas' second-string quarterback might be hurt? Fuck, this is like armaggedon for Texas.
  23. Wow, cannot believe he just got injured. BTW, WTF was up with the fake punt on 4th and 23 by Bama? I mean, I can appreciate the balls it takes to do that, but come on...
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