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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. EDIT: Buck just killed the nonsense, so my post is worthless. Unless, of course, I take this time to remind everyone that my biceps are looking lovely.
  2. Awesome video. It reminded me of another video out of Portland where cars were sliding all over:
  3. Fucking retards. Hey, let's do a two-minute burnout and effectively cloud an eight-lane highway that has a posted speed limit of 50mph since that has no chance of causing any risk of harm. Also, nice ghost flames. And, by nice, I'm mean fucking awful.
  4. Completely agreed - the masses in this city lose their minds in the face of any precipitation. "Wait, is that rain? IS IT?!? OMFG MY FACE IS ON FIRE AND I WILL PUT IT OUT MY TURNING IMMEDIATELY LEFT INTO THIS MEDIAN TO PUT OUT MY FLAMING FACE!!!!!!1!!!!!"
  5. I'm not sure omnipotency necessarily equals determinism, or the lack of a free will. Just because some higher power knows what you're going to do (i.e., is omnipotent) doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have a choice in the matter (i.e., that things are "predetermined" and there's no such thing as "free will").
  6. Okay, so which is it, a 575 or a 550M? Halp me pleez!!! Oh, yeah, Leviathan, as for the price on the wheels, they were always somewhere between $3500 and $4500 for a set when I was pricing them about two years ago. In other words, expensive enough to be that much more envious of this guy, considering that he has a set on like every car he owns.
  7. Why? Do you have the hookup or something? BTW, I'm being serious; I think I remember someone saying something about you working for Verizon, and my g/f's phone just took a nosedive last week. Also, PM if you want so that we don't thread-jack anymore than what we have.
  8. Just because I didn't say seriously enough in the past two posts. Seriously.
  9. Holy fuck, what kind of Ferrari is that? I'm seriously in love right now.
  10. Okay, it's fine to try to crack back at me, but at least make fucking sense when you do. Now, can we move past your hurt feelings and decide on some place to play cards?
  11. WTF are you talking about, dude? That because I don't want people smoking in my apartment - where neither my girlfriend nor I smoke, because, well, we don't fucking smoke - is considered ghetto? Seriously, are you one of those fucking retarded/militant people that thinks you should be allowed to smoke everywhere?
  12. This sounds good to me, too.
  13. Yes, playing in a garage is usually ghetto, regardless of the temperature. I don't have a house; I have an apartment. I would be glad to host a game, though I wouldn't allow smoking in my place.
  14. Okay, see, now you're already starting to get ghetto, talking about having people over in a cold ass garage with some propane heater. I get the whole-smoking-cigars-when-playing-poker thing. I've done it plenty of times. However, smoking cigars while playing poker, while enjoyable, isn't a necessity, while not catching hypothermia kind of is. Get where I'm coming from?
  15. I'm down for playing. I don't mind traveling (since I'm centrally located) to play, provided the place where we play isn't a dive.
  16. This is a bus. Do you know how big a bus is?
  17. This picture is just begging for a "LITE WAITE!!!1!!" caption.
  18. Yeah, not a fan of any of the HRE's featured on the first page of that thread. IMHO, the six- and seven-spoke wheels don't look quite right on a Corvette.
  19. Has anyone suggested that this guy buy a Corvette so that this thread can end?
  20. That was hilarious. And, by hilarious, I mean not funny in the least.
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