Here's a classic example of Rick's mouth moving but nothing worthwhile coming out. How exactly does one "walk all over the constitution?" Seriously, how? What, can we just ignore it - is that how we walk all over it? And what's this about "degrading moral values?" Hey, look, another vagary! You're using words but aren't really saying much. In the end, it just seems like you think that your opinions are more than just opinions, but are, instead, reality. "Hey, I think this way, so therefore that must be the way it is!" It's the same flawed line of reasoning used by people with schizophrenia. Congratulations, your logical deduction skills are on par with someone with systematized delusions.
Okay, now this makes some sense - I can actually buy into what you're saying here. Of course, you've said it in response to my quote, which seems to imply that I've criticized the Bush administration previously but now heap praise on the Obama administration. That would be misleading.