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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yup, agreeing completely with you again - Tressel has been so fucking predictable in the past three big games we've had - Florida, LSU, and USC - that it's been nauseating. If he opts to take the same approach to this game, then Texas will pick us apart as well. I'm applauding your Hamby reference - well done on that one. Yup, I can still remember that play; he soooo should have caught that one. While we are at it, allow me to use this space to curse Lima Sweed.
  2. Agree with you completely. There are very few announcers that don't annoy the fuck out of me. Those two last night on CBS are huge Florida/SEC fanboys.
  3. I think, unfortuntely, we just happened to run into two teams the past two years that we matched up poorly against. Both Florida and LSU have speedy, mobile teams, especially on defense. In both games, OSU got behind, which took them out of their usual gameplan. Unfortunately for OSU, getting behind allowed both Florida and LSU to exercise their speed and mobility on defense: they could pin their ears back and rush the quarterback mercilessly, as, in both cases, they knew OSU would be forced to throw in playing catch-up. No excuse, just an explanation, from the way I see it. In both cases, OSU deserved to lose. It is what it is. A similar thing happened last night to Alabama - did you see what Florida's pass-rush did to them in the latter half of the fourth quarter? Bama got behind, and it was lights out for the quarterback. This year is a different story. For one, our defensive line is much more aggressive, mobile, and fast. If you think back, it was our defensive line that essentially won the NCG against Miami. Not that our defensive line is the same as that defensive line, but there are comparisons. Also, Texas (our likely opponent) isn't as fast on either side of the ball as what Florida is/was and LSU was. We match up much better with them than, say, Florida. I really like our chances against Texas. I'm willing to bet that OSU's defense will be far better than anything they faced this year. And, if Pryor and the offense progresses like they can in this two months off, then they will be able to put up a good amount of points against Texas. BTW, Kenny, I quoted you, but my response isn't as much a response to you specifically as it is just me saying stuff that I'm thinking about. I realize your comment didn't warrant all of my yapping.
  4. I'm excited to see Florida and Oklahoma in the NCG. I think Florida will win, though I hope Oklahoma fucking smokes them. Hype for that game should be massive. Bradford is my pick to win the Heisman. Bradford versus Tebow? That is enough to get any college football fan fired up. Tebow is a great player, plain and simple. Saying anything otherwise is either ignorance or jealousy. I'm picking Ohio State vs. Texas in the Fiesta and Utah going to the Sugar to face Alabama.
  5. Dr. Pomade


    Good move. I've been saying for weeks now that there needs to be another Moderator in the Z24 section; Faggy McGee moderating it all alone has been a nightmare.
  6. BTW, I'm not exactly sure what the market value is for a used Gears of War 2, so I don't mean to offend anyone if the two aren't equivalent, and I'll be glad to make up whatever the differences is to make it fair. Essentially, I'm done with GTA IV and want to get rid of it, would like Gears of War 2, and trying to kill a couple birds with one stone.
  7. Or, I'd be willing to sell GTA IV for $40. I have the box and all the other stuff (e.g., that map) that comes with it. The disk is in perfect condition (e.g., no scratches). I'd rather trade for Gears of War 2, however.
  8. Dr. Pomade


    Everyone likes a good comeback story, but this may be a little too soon.
  9. I hated my class on psychodynamic theory. It was some 700-level course taught by this frail looking lady with outdated glasses and bad hair. Anyway, I hated it mostly because the class was about Freud and all of his really stupid ideas. Like how all humans are controlled by these ultra-powerful unconscious forces, which he gave silly-sounding names, like the "id." And how Freud said that people had all these really weird defense mechanisms that they used all the time, like "reaction formation," which is supposedly when a person acts in a way that is the extreme, but exact opposite, way they really feel on the inside as a means of defending against those feelings and portraying themselves to the outside world as something they are really not. So, you know, the thinking goes that if all a person, say, talks incessantly about all the bad things about homosexuality and how bad gays are and so forth, then it's a pretty good bet - at least according to Freud - that the person doing all that talking is struggling with strong urges of homosexuality themselves, or something like that. Anyway, that crap never made much sense to me, so I just did my work, got my A and got out of there, and vowed to never think about Freud and all his crazy ideas that could never be remotely accurate ever again.
  10. I heart Chicago. Ben, have you been there before? So much to do, for sure. I was there about a year ago - Ashley and I stayed in the Congress Plaza Hotel. I'm not sure where your hotel is - on Michigan Ave?
  11. This is a post that would right before four posts in a row.
  12. BTW, Jon doesn't post nearly enough anymore.
  13. Haha, what's not to like about this chick?
  14. Now you've resorted to insinuating that I'm gay? Wait, first metrosexual, now gay? What's next, will you call me a girl? I bet you will, and you'll do it in a really cool, vague way, one that will thoroughly confuse me, leaving me bewildered and wondering just how I could have been so soundly humbled by your verbal prowess. Three eek smilies for you, Master of Words. :eek:
  15. I would, but I fear that the gay sex in combination with my awesome hair, great abs, and rampant metrosexuality would cause Wall Street to collapse, a global recession, a typhoon off the coast of Brazil, and downward spiral into all that is evil and corrupt in America. Because that makes sense, RITE?
  16. I bet you were really popular in high school.
  17. Alex, nice exposition, though you're wasting your time if you're trying to have a discourse on the subject with Rick. To his eyes, this is how you'll post will read: "I like it when men have sex with other men on top of a pile of King James bibles."
  18. It seems like all you say anymore is "I don't care that you don't like me, Tilley." Ironically, I start to think you actually do care what people think about you when you keep insisting that you don't. OMG - U MEAN HAIR GEL AND GYM MEMBERSHIPS MAKE TEH AMERICA A NOT SO GOOD PLACE TO LIVES?!? Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Metrosexuality is the bane of all that is evil? Wait, hold on, is this another one of your clever tactics where you're not really saying anything worthwhile but just trying to make fun of me? It's like you really want to make a point, but can't seem to not be retarded in the process. Word salad: it's what Rick's having for lunch.
  19. So, you're saying that you really didn't have anything worthwhile to say and were just going out of your way to make fun of me. And you wonder why people have such negative things to say about you. Again, you've derailed a perfectly decent conversation. Congratulations are again in order.
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