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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. LOL, thanks for proving my point - the one you posted is actually more aesthetically pleasing than the one in your sig.
  2. Don't try to backpedal now, Bitch Boy. You opened your yap and now we're going to see just how much of your foot we can cram into it. Wait, hold on, just so that you understand what I'm saying: http://www.carbodykitstore.com/images/mitsubishi-eclipse-full-body-kits.jpg
  3. He doesn't understand English, and regular letters and sentences and things like that are lost on him. Rather, he best communicates through the use of shapes, figures, and bright colors, like irregularly-shaped yellow body kits. For instance, instead of typing to him to say, "Hello, you're fucking retarded," post this: http://www.zcentre.co.uk/shop/images/body-kit-4-d-jpg.jpg
  4. LOL, you stupid fuck, get your facts straight before you try to flame me. And a burnt heap would be less eyesore than that abomination you have now.
  5. LOL, wtf hypothermia? I enjoy it cool, just not that cool.
  6. I'm a typing god. I took a typing class, but I didn't learn anything - more my lack of participation than anything wrong with the class. I mostly learned how to type in the mid-1990s when I first got on AOL and chatrooms were all the rage. If you didn't type fast enough, you just couldn't cyberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........ohhhhhhhhh.......aaaaaahhhhh!!!!1!!!!!!
  7. Please return it to stock, paint it, and sell it to me.
  8. Hey guys, not sure if you heard the news, but Pluto isn't a planet anymore. No, it's not like it blew up or anything - THAT WOULD BE CRAZY! - it's just that NASA or somebody important said it was actually too small to be considered a planet. Bummer, I know. I remember making some planets out of paper mache when I was in the third grade. I got a C on it. Mrs. Henderson was a jerk. Anyway, I guess it's a moon or something now. Or a quasar. FYI. http://www.wissen-news.de/pics/sonnensystem/pluto.jpg
  9. Putty, congratulations. We talked about this the night of the Halloween party, but we were both several drinks in, so I don't know how much of the conversation registered.
  10. Just replace the black guy with a white guy and that's us, basically. FYI, to get really psyched up for a big lift, I usually scream "LIGHT WEIGHT" early and often, like when I'm getting out of my car and walking in to the gym, or in the locker room putting on my singlet. It works.
  11. OMFG R U SERIOUS??!? Fuck, I'm stoked. I can't wait to show off my awesome tribal tattoos along with my sick Tazmanian Devil tattoo that I have on my lower right leg. I'm oiling up right now. Need to cut up a little bit too; I think I'll look even better if I can get down to about 16% body fat in time for the shoot. Imagine how many sluts will want to have sex with us after this! If you're imaging a lot of sluts, you're right fucking on.
  12. Yeah, that sounds familiar. I opted to change my diet a while back and now I'm weighing in at 197lbs and a very, very lean 17.9% body fat. At 5'2", you can imagine how cut I look. If you said to yourself, "I bet he looks fucking lean!" then you're right.
  13. BTW, does anyone else have as hard a time finishing a workout with having girls solicit you for sex? Happens to us ALL THE TIME. Man, just so annoying, you know? "Oh hai, we love your hair" and "OMG ur so hott can we have teh sex with you now?" and "EEEK I love you!!1!" is basically all we hear all the time, and it's hard to focus on being a serious BB with all that going on.
  14. Hey everyone, just checking in. Yup, Sam and I had a great workout - we totally got a great pump on. It feels so good when you walk around the gym, not really doing anything, but wearing gloves and straps just so everyone knows you're serious. I wear my lifting gloves even when walking into the gym because I want the girl who checks me in to the gym to see them and know that I'm that serious about getting my flex on. I also like to carry a gym bag around the gym with me and wear my weight belt too. Not for any particular reason, mind you, but you kind of have to if you're as serious about this shit as we are.
  15. Listen, it's pretty much a given that you need to ask for a spot no matter what exercise you're doing - bench, squats, curls, triceps, sit-ups, anything - so that everybody gets it loud and clear: I'M A PROFESSIONAL AND I'M NOT JOKING AROUND WITH ALL THIS HEAVY WEIGHT LIFTING. Screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT" not only works, but that's also another great signal that shows you're not kidding around in the gym. Also, don't leave out that we routinely refuse to carry any dumbells, but will instead kick them so that they roll around and bump into people. I mean, come on, we can't get fatigued before our set by carrying the dumbells.
  16. I didn't want to let that cat out of the bag, but, you went there, and I guess there's no taking it back. People, look, we routinely flex on bitches in the gym wearing sweet Skidz pants and Panama Jack tee-shirts (rolled up, of course) and capping if off with a pair of Oakley shades, propped up perfectly on baseball caps (worn backward, of course). I'm putting on my Groveport varsity letterman jacket now and will be waiting outside for the pickup.
  17. Listen, I hear you, but I'M TBWABADHIMLRRN - Too Busy Wearing A Bikini And Doing Handstands In My Living Room Right Now. Taking pics to post up later...
  18. +1 Yeah, that guy is pretty jacked. I'm 5'9", 165lbs, and I have around a 5% body fat and I'm not that cut. And you being 5'6", 185lbs, and 10% body fat doesn't sound lean.
  19. Nice response - it's logical, seems genuine, and thoughtful - though I think it's falling on deaf ears. Rather, I'd imagine this guy started a thread just to impress upon everyone that (1) he's a "BB" (which, apparently, stands for "bodybuilder" - who knew?) and (2) he has sex with lots of girls. The pic of the girl in a bikini doing a handstand on the beach comes to mind...
  20. Putty, Scott, and Kenny: thanks for your thoughts on the trust thing. I'm inclined to agree with you, I think; I have my reservations about trusting others (i.e., humans in general, all things being equal).
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