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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Your god won't like it that you're recognizing me as a deity. You should brace for the impact that comes along with being turned into a pillar of salt.
  2. LOL, you're a walking personality disorder. Now, there's another one for your sig, Little Ricky.
  3. I wonder if you'd post the same predictions of failure if, say, the project was the construction of some multi-million dollar mega-church where a bunch of fundamentalist Christian bigots go to praise each other for being so pious. Just wondering.
  4. I'm the same way with the pics I have of Adrianna Lima.
  5. You need to bong some doughnuts, Captain Anorexia.
  6. This post brought to you by Triple Sec, bitches.
  7. And now I officially want to be (1) drunk (2) at a pool (3) in Vegas.
  8. Speaking of drinking, the g/f and I are watching Rehab on Tru TV right now - it's basically a reality-type show about the Rehab parties at the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas. Pretty quality stuff so far.
  9. Damn, that's crazy. Bonging beers is no joke. It's all deceptive, because you can bong like three or four and be like, "Oh, this is cool, I'm straight" and then all of sudden your buzz sneaks around the corner and bitchslaps you.
  10. What do you think you do when you consume a delicious alcoholic beverage, my dear Mr. Watson?
  11. It's probably because we're both the epitome of awesomeness and grandeur.
  12. WTF, seriously? Please tell me someone actually bonged a whole 12-pack - LOL.
  13. It's alarming how many of you fuckers like Jager. Seriously, I think I can tolerate just about anything but Jager - liquid black licorice just isn't my thing, I guess.
  14. I once saw a guy chug entire bottle of Bacardi 151 - which constitutes the single most insane moment of alcohol consumption I have ever personally witnessed. The guy - some out-of-towner with a funny name (like Buddy or something like that) - was already hammered at the time he proceeded to get his guzzle on. Everyone watched in horrored silence as he consumed the entire thing, threw the empty bottle on the ground, and proclaimed proudly, "Chicago's in the fucking house." We all immediately encouraged him to seek the nearest ER. Instead, he opted to walk out of the house in search of a White Castle. Never heard anything from him again. I'd imagine there's a good chance you could find his decomposed body near a White Castle on the East Side of town. So, Wonderboy, get your weakshit three shots in five minutes out of here and come back when you're chugging entire bottles of liquor.
  15. Are you typing with mittens on?
  16. Apology accepted; my eyes are no longer crying.
  17. How about $15 and I'll give you the "Ferrari."
  18. Would you pay $10 for the tears that you make my eyes cry by saying mean things? Would you?
  19. I think Putty was saying that you could purchase a ticket for $10 for a chance to win a really nice TV, kind of like a raffle. That makes some sense - or at least more sense than paying $10 for the opportunity to, in turn, purchase the really nice TV.
  20. Fools and their money are soon parted.
  21. Wow, seriously, that's it? Taking your metaphorical ball and going home, I guess. Okay, but I had hoped for some thought-provoking dialogue, honestly. *shrug* You have a good one too, Rick.
  22. Several posts in this thread made me laugh.
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