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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Sorry, I take it back. You are the only one for me.
  2. Wow, okay, not exactly the direction I envisioned that going.
  3. It's a conspiracy. We're all hoping you'll feel lonely, become despondent, and then kill yourself.
  4. You and your girl are more than welcome to stop by, have a drink, whatever.
  5. BOMA. Sam and I have a table, and Linn and some others will be there. Fairly sure the tables are all sold out, but if you come, stop by and hang out for a bit.
  6. Thanks for the unsolicited commentary, troglodyte. From now on, when I want your opinion, I'll rattle your fucking cage.
  7. That's not what he told me. Here's what I can recall from the AIM conversation: DarkChameleon: "Sam is retarded." JohnnyBravo: "Who is this?" DarkChameleon: "Anthony Green." JohnnyBravo: "Oh, hey, what's up, Anthony?" DarkChameleon: "Sam doesn't know cars very well. I had to fix his C5 tonight." JohnnyBravo: "How so?" DarkChameleon: "Well, I had to pull the engine for him and then I installed a new cam." JohnnyBravo: "Why are you telling me all of this?" DarkChameleon: "I'm telling everyone." JohnnyBravo: "You're weird, go away." DarkChameleon: "LOL. Okay, bye!"
  8. Someone that I know was given these for Xmas: http://store.puma.com/pumaUSStore/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=PumaUS&category%5Fname=MensClassicFootwear&product%5Fid=34258914&productType=Footwear&mainCategory=Men&shopBy=style&siteid=1&cookie%5Ftest=1 What do you think of them?
  9. LOL @ you, super noob. That pic is now my wallpaper. Everyone else, thanks for the replies. The search has been called off, though. Nothing to see here, nothing to see. Move along, people, move along.
  10. Extremely clean looking, great purchase.
  11. Thanks, but kids aren't really anywhere in the picture yet. Maybe a few years from now, but not any time soon.
  12. Shawn, I did - he took it back yesterday morning. Yeah, if you don't mind, see if he still has it. You can PM me if you want me to call you/him/whoever. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for all the kind words. LOL - yeah, it's obvious you don't know me - I'll walk to the grocery store with children on my back before I drive a mini-van. No, not really, beyond knowing that I will NEVER get married on a day that OSU plays football. Jackets won.
  14. Thanks, I'll relay that to Jessica - she's out shopping for one right now. Of course, by now, I'm sure they've sold out of them. Don't care, retard. LOL - that's exactly how it went down.
  15. Just called all of the Toys R Us' in the city, and all of them were sold out. Same with the WalMart's and several of the Target stores. Additionally, I called Putty, and he said that he got rid of his this morning. Stillman, I may check into WalMart online. BTW, got your text, thanks.
  16. Anyone know of any place that still has them in stock? I've tried a few EB Games stores, but they were sold out. Haven't called any where else yet; figured I'd post up here first. Thanks in advance.
  17. Very. Fortunately, though, I was fairly sure she'd say yes. Here's a pic of her, for those of you who don't know her: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/4126/vegasjuly06jessatpoolve9.jpg We got some pics from last night, I may rip those off her camera and post them up when I have a chance.
  18. Don't worry, we'll make up for it on New Year's Eve.
  19. Because I didn't want you screaming "DON'T DO IT! DON'T DO IT!" in the middle of me proposing. LOL. Yeah, she was impressed, I think. I don't think she saw that coming at all, even when they "picked" her to be interviewed.
  20. I sense a heavy dose of sarcasm in that statement. For the record, it was never about class. Instead, it was about doing something completely over the top to satiate her (and mine, to a certain extent) exhibitionistic tendencies. She always wanted me to propose to her in front of a bunch of people - a Blue Jackets game provided an ideal medium to do that.
  21. I proposed to Jessica last night at the Blue Jackets game. I arranged to have it done in front of everyone. They "picked" Jessica to be the "Fan of the Game" and, while they were interviewing her, the announcer called for me to step in, asked me a few questions, and then turned it over to me. I pulled out the ring, got down on one knee, and popped the question. She said yes, and the rest is history, I guess. With all the negative drama going on lately, I thought it would be a nice time to share something like this with everyone. They got all of the proposal and stuff on video and I was told I could have a copy. Once I get it, I'll probably post it up. I'm extremely happy with how it all turned out. It was a lot to coordinate, but it went really well.
  22. Very cool of you, Stillman. I hope karma (or whatever cosmic force) rewards you this holiday season.
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