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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. 20 geek points for MegamanEXE. Everyone else, you get no geek points. None at all.
  2. Tom, this works for me: heavy, repeated doses of DayQuil during the day and NyQuil during the night. Hope you feel better. For the rest of you, 20 geek points to whoever can tell me the chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy.
  3. I'm an undercover cop posing as a plain-clothes cop. Shorty what you drink, I got money in the bank.
  4. To go a little further off topic, I've been on 33 out to Marysville a bunch in the past month, and I'm coming to think that traffic flows the fastest in that area - I'll be cruising at 80mph and get passed like I'm doing 55mph. It's great. So, for those of you (e.g., Jesse) who've traveled around there a lot, what's the secret? Does the state highway patrol not nail people that much on that stretch or what? Do they tend to look the other way since there's so many people community out to the Honda plant and so forth every day? Anyway, back on topic, I'm supposed to race that Wiggs guy in his Veyron. So, let's hope he didn't move away.
  5. Dr. Pomade

    LS1 owns me

    Yeah, well, I'm not heavy - I weigh 165lbs - and, though I fit in the seats fine, they still weren't comfortable to me. Meh, probably just personal preference. Anyway, thanks for the education on LS1's and room. Fast and roomy, who knew?
  6. Dr. Pomade

    LS1 owns me

    Yeah, I was never much a fan of the seats in my 03 Cobra. Too rigid for me.
  7. Dr. Pomade

    LS1 owns me

    Huh, never would have thought that.
  8. I just checked the suggestion box, and someone wrote: "Please put coopster in front of the firing squad. Thanks in advance."
  9. Dr. Pomade


    Don't type anything ever again. Ever.
  10. Dr. Pomade

    LS1 owns me

    So is an LS1 really that much roomier than a Cobra? I would think it isn't.
  11. If USC loses to ND, then Florida will actually have a tougher time getting in to the title game, since ND's win over USC would bolster UM's strength of schedule and thus, their computer ratings. That would leave Florida needing to make up even more ground in order to leapfrog UM to make it into the title game.
  12. (1) Florida has barely squeaked by too many times this season to get any real respect and (2) the SEC is kind of turning into a joke, with teams like Vanderbilt beating Georgia, who then turns around and beats Auburn, who, yup, you guessed where this is going, beat Florida. When any team from the conference is capable of beating any other teams in the conference - as the case seems to be this year for the SEC (and Big East, BTW) - then either the conference is incredibly strong or kind of weak. I think everyone is starting to lean toward the latter impression. We agree on something though - I'd like for OSU to wax, I mean play, Florida.
  13. Dude, if the only thing he did was fuck up a few people's names then I'd be the last to have a beef with him. However, he has done WAY more than that. He's a biased prick, and his bias has been obvious over the years. Perhaps a little less obvious these past few years, but still obvious. So, no, I won't let it go.
  14. 39. Get annoyed with stupid fucking lists about Ohio that make people from Ohio look like idiots.
  15. Dr. Pomade

    Osu Wins!!!!

    Maybe a round of shots.
  16. I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I blacked out at some point last night - I was partying pretty hard with people I didn't really know, and I think they may have slipped something in my drink. Anyway, to my absolute horror, when I looked down I saw that I had a huge gash on my lower back, though it had been cleaned and sutured neatly. When I stumbled into the bathroom, I saw written on the mirrow with lipstick: "Thank you for the kidney. Be thankful you still have one left. We're selling the other one on the black market as you are reading this, sucker." OMG this is terrible!!!!!11!!1!!1!!
  17. I think you guys are being a tad bit hard on Lee Corso. Most of what he does - with the whole helmet/prediction thing and all - is done mostly tongue in cheek, at least IMO, and more to simply get the crowd behind him riled up. It seems all in good fun to me. I certainly wouldn't put him in the same group as Brent, that's for sure.
  18. Dr. Pomade

    Osu Wins!!!!

    I'd much rather have OSU beat up on USC - an opponent we can all hate - than have them beat UM again. Seriously, USC's been asking for a beat down all year long; I'd love to give it to them.
  19. Dr. Pomade

    Osu Wins!!!!

    Yeah, I saw a story on that earlier. Fairly wicked, huh? Odds were 10,000 to 1 that the numbers would have been drawn in that order.
  20. Dr. Pomade

    Osu Wins!!!!

    Doubletree @ (or near) the airport.
  21. Agreed, I've hated listening to Brent's biases for the past 15 or so years. He always been histrionic (i.e., overly dramatic) and something of a Buckeye hater. I think he always delighted in watching the OSU teams during Cooper era choke.
  22. Dr. Pomade

    Hey Geoff

    Both teams had to play on it. Had the field been better (and, for the record, I think the field was fine) the outcome would have been the same. Congrats, Rane, on being a big fan the second best team in the Big Ten.
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