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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. LOL - no kidding, when I first read this, I thought you said, "Tell me about the Red Skyline." I'm like, "Anthony's thinking about a Skyline? And WTF does it being red have anything to do with it?" Dyslexia > me. Anyway, sorry Anthony, I have nothing to add about the car your really interested in.
  2. I'll stop triple posting as soon as you learn how to use the shift key. Deal?
  3. Come on, you geriatric bastard, I don't have all night to hang around here and bust you up. Hurry up, again fuck up using the quote feature, and tell us something insightful, like how you're a great street racer and not a homophobe.
  4. Hey, I'm playing an AMC violin for you and your inferiority complex. Did you understand that, or should I use hand signals for you? Go to CVS and purchase a new genetic code, troglodyte.
  5. Maybe his friends will tell us that too is part of his psychological warfare. Perhaps we've drastically underestimated these guys... :zoom:
  6. True, can't say anything bad about SlowMotion. I recommened IPS because I know from first-hand knowledge that they're extremely skilled with stand-alones.
  7. For the love of Christ, could someone show the AMC guy how to use the fucking quote button?
  8. I would say yes, but I'm afraid the AMC homophobic guy will call me a fag.
  9. Years ago, I never used my signal. At some point, I changed that viewpoint drastically and now make every attempt to do so. Also, like someone else mentioned, I get pissed when other people don't - especially in those instances when others are particularly dependent upon a signal (e.g., you're waiting to turn right, there's a car coming from your left and you're waiting for them to pass, only to have them turn right without a signal, thereby juking you).
  10. I would call Jeff at IPS Motorsports. Here's the link: http://www.ipsmotorsports.net
  11. Dr. Pomade

    GREG aka powers

    Don't do it Greg. Do not yield to the peer pressure. Make a stand.
  12. How many times have you seen him post? Ladyboy2k7 has a zero post count.
  13. Hmm, what do I remember reading from an earlier post? Wait, here it is, the first line of your first post in this thread: The Irony Police just gave you a Rodney King e-beating. Here's what I think you should do, Speedy: go in to court and ask the prosecutor to kick you in the fucking face for being a crybaby.
  14. By coming in second, that means I'm like the greatest of all of the losers. :leghump: for Ken's retirement.
  15. You have to admit, Caxide did fuck him up pretty good with that post.
  16. Dr. Pomade

    Hey all!

    I am the tallest midget in the world. I am also capable of teleportation, telekinesis, and floating on water without the assistance of a raft.
  17. Supra Mark hasn't been on here - that I know of - in like two years.
  18. Dr. Pomade

    Hey all!

    It's a fucking drawing of a bunny with a gun, dumbass. It even has written narrative to help those with chromosomal abnormalities figure it out. Sorry I didn't dumb it down enough for you, Klinefelter's Boy. Maybe large red arrows and a disclaimer will help next time. LOL - did you just call me a midget? Egomaniacal, sure, but midget? Okay, if 5'9" qualifies.
  19. http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/7172/cat2xg.png
  20. Dr. Pomade

    Hey all!

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